Everything You Need to Know About Derma Rolling for Stretch Marks

We can say that stretch marks are normal, and they are a part of life, especially for women after pregnancy. It is not embarrassing to have a feature you have no control over. The skin typically has the ability to stretch out and return to its natural state due to the elastic fibers that hold it together. Pregnancy frequently results in stretch marks, especially in the second and third trimesters. Fine lines and wrinkles can appear on the abdomen, thighs, hips, and breasts as a result of the skin stretching as the baby grows to make room for the expanding uterus.

Stretch marks can also form as a result of hormonal changes during pregnancy. The flexibility of the skin can be influenced by pregnancy hormones, especially estrogen and progesterone, making it more prone to straining and tearing. Stretch marks, which are essentially scars that emerge when the skin’s underlying tissues break and then recover over time, might result from this.

Although not all pregnant women have stretch marks, it is a typical occurrence, affecting up to 90% of women. A family history of stretch marks, having multiples (twins or triplets), and gaining a substantial amount of weight during pregnancy may make a woman more likely to get stretch marks during pregnancy. When this happens, the areas where the skin has stretched will get filled in quickly with tough and disordered fibers. These are what make the long and discolored streaks known as stretch marks.

Some people have more elasticity in their skin compared to others. This makes those people who don’t have much skin elasticity more prone to stretch marks. They are most notorious for affecting pregnant women. In fact, up to 90 percent of moms get them after pregnancy. There are also some teenagers that develop stretch marks as they go through puberty.

If you’ve just given birth and you want to get rid of your stretch marks, there are many ways that you can choose from, just like what’s suggested here at stretch mark removal London. To give you an idea, one of those ways is by derma rolling. If you want to know more about how it can help, read on as we’re going to give you everything you need to know about derma rolling for stretch marks.

What is Derma Rolling?

A derma-roller is used in the process of derma rolling. It is a tool that has many tiny needles which, when rolled against your skin, create micro-injuries. With this, collagen and elastin production are sent into overdrive to compensate as it heals, which leave the skin tighter and plumper compared to before. Collagen is the most prevalent protein in the human body, it preserves the strength of connective tissue, including skin, muscles, tendons, cartilage, and bones. Also, you don’t need to worry because this process does not hurt. But it resurfaces the top layer of the skin by encouraging the natural healing process of the body.

Derma rolling- often referred to as micro-needling, is a cosmetic technique that can be used to reduce the appearance of a number of skin problems, such as stretch marks, fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation. The technique can also aid in enhancing the skin’s general tone and texture. (1) 

It’s crucial to remember that derma rolling should only be conducted by a qualified professional because it requires piercing the skin and, if done incorrectly, can result in infection or other issues. The finest outcomes also depend on adequate aftercare, which includes keeping the skin clean and hydrated.

Derma Rolling for Stretch Marks Removal

The effectiveness of derma rolling in enhancing the skin’s texture and appearance has led to its rising popularity as a skincare procedure. One of the primary reasons why people choose derma rolling over other skincare techniques is that it is a minimally invasive procedure, which means that it doesn’t call for any incisions or surgical procedures, making it a low-risk choice for many individuals. In addition, derma rolling is preferred by many because there is little recovery time required, which allows most people to get back to their regular schedules immediately.

Furthermore, this is also a lesser-cost option for people who wish to improve the appearance of their skin and get rid of stretch marks. With this, we can say that the derma roller offers a simple yet successful stretch mark treatment at a fraction of the cost of other cosmetic treatments, such as laser therapy. However, keep in mind that derma rolling will not remove stretch marks in just one or two treatments. But when you repeat the process. It’s because the dermal layers of the skin increase in thickness, and the stretch fades away gradually while being replaced by healthy and smooth skin.

If you’re wondering if derma rolling will work for you, almost everyone can get great results using a derma roller for stretch marks. Aside from that, it does not have any risk or side effects. But remember that results may vary from person to person. Its effectiveness for stretch marks removal and speed of results depend on different factors, like the severity of the stretch marks, the frequency, and the total number of treatments. Sometimes, it also depends on the selection of the correct needle length and appropriate skin cream or serum.

Derma rolling generally works best for people who have mild to moderate skin problems. But, more invasive treatments like laser therapy or chemical peels may be more beneficial for severe skin conditions.

It’s also crucial to keep in mind that not everyone should use derma rolling. This may not be safe for people who have certain medical conditions, such as blood clotting disorders or active skin infections, or who are on certain medications, such as blood thinners. Before receiving treatment, it is crucial that you discuss your medical history and any prescription medications that you are currently taking with your dermatologist or aesthetician.

Derma rolling is generally regarded as harmless; however, there could be some negative consequences. Symptoms can include slight bleeding or bruising, along with redness, discomfort, and inflammation at the treatment site. More severe side effects, such as infection or scarring, can occasionally happen. It’s crucial to find a skilled skincare specialist who has experience doing derma rolling and to carefully adhere to all aftercare guidelines in order to reduce the likelihood of these adverse effects. Also, it’s crucial to refrain from certain actions for at least 24 hours following the treatment that could raise the risk of infection or discomfort, such as swimming or using abrasive skincare products. After derma rolling, getting immediate medical assistance is crucial if you suffer any unexpected or alarming symptoms.

Is a Cream or a Serum Needed when Derma Rolling for Stretch Marks Removal?

The effectiveness of the procedure can be enhanced, and the skin will benefit from using creams and serums after derma rolling. During the treatment, the skin’s protective barrier may be weakened, leaving it more vulnerable to irritation and dryness. In addition to delivering active ingredients to improve the skin’s texture and appearance, applying skincare products can aid in soothing and hydrating the skin.

For instance, applying vitamin C serum or cream after derma rolling can assist in brightening and evening out skin tone. In connection, hyaluronic acid serum can help moisturize and plump the face. Creams or serums that are peptide-rich can also assist in encouraging the formation of collagen and enhance the tone and texture of the skin.

Remember that any derma rolling procedure can be enhanced greatly by using the right skin cream or serum alongside it. Aside from creating new collagen, the derma roller needles create channels in the skin to allow any applied skincare products to penetrate to deeper skin layers that they normally would.

Based on research, only 0.3% of the active ingredients in cosmetics can normally penetrate the skin, and the remaining 97.7% only sit on the skin and get wasted. But the derma roller is proven to increase the absorption of the skin by up to 3000%. This means that when you undergo derma rolling, around 75% to 85% of the active ingredients from skincare products will be able to penetrate through the epidermis to the dermis. Therefore, combining derma roller treatment with the right cream or serum can dramatically speed up the repair process.

If you want to get fast and best results when derma rolling for stretch marks, it is recommended to use a serum that will promote collagen synthesis and cell turnover, like a vitamin C serum.

However, it’s crucial to choose skincare items that are made especially for use after derma rolling and to stay away from anything that can have abrasive or irritating elements. Also, allowing the skin the necessary recovery time is essential by waiting at least 24 hours after derma rolling before using any skincare products on the treated area.

How is a Derma Roller Used for Stretch Marks Removal?

The most effective way to treat stretch marks via derma rolling is by combining a regular derma roller or body roller with a smaller 3-line derma roller or derma stamp, added with a skin serum. And before you start, ensure that you clean the area that you wish to treat using a gentle cleanser.

If you are going to treat a larger area or use longer needle lengths, you can also use numbing cream. Just follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use. Also, you need to remove the cream completely before rolling by using cotton pads soaked with alcohol. If you want to numb the skin quickly, you can also use an ice roller.

To start, roll forwards and backward over the area that you want to treat while pulling the skin taut with your free hand. Roll around 8 to 10 times in each direction: diagonally, horizontally, and vertically. Forwards and backs are equal to two rolls. You can apply a bit of pressure to allow the needles to penetrate the skin to their full length. After each roll, lift the derma roller slightly to ensure that the needles create new micro-channels in the skin instead of going over the same ones.

After that, a narrow 3-line derma roller or stamp on individual stretch marks. This will enable you to target the individual stretch marks more intensely and precisely. Just repeat the method you did with the regular derma roller if you are using a 3-line derma roller. But if you choose to use a derma stamp, try to stamp each section of the stretch mark around 20 times with medium pressure.

It is normal to see some blood spots. Just wash the treated area with water or a gentle cleanser and dry it using a clean towel or let it air-dry. Then, apply a small amount of skin serum to the treated area. The following day, you can apply some moisturizer and sunblock if needed to protect the area.

You could give your skin a break from rolling for about 4 weeks if you used a 1.5mm derma roller and around 5 weeks if you used a 2.0mm derma roller. But you can still continue applying serum if you want. Then after taking a break, you can repeat the whole process again.


Derma rolling is indeed an effective way to remove stretch marks. However, you need to be patient with it and put some effort as it needs several sessions for it to work well. It is a great method to try if you are tight on budget but looking for an effective way to remove your stretch marks. We hope the information we shared here helped you in understanding how derma rolling can work against stretch marks.


(1) https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/dermarolling-how-it-works-before-and-after#how-does-it-work

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