Do You Lose Weight When You Do CoolSculpting?

If you love maintaining a slim body or looking good in your outfits, you may have noticed some part with stubborn fat. This fat will not go away however much you try. Your gym instructor must have told you at some point that there’s nothing like spot reduction. This is no longer the truth, as you can reduce stubborn fat in specific areas of your body. This could be on the belly, back, upper arms, thighs, and chin.

Some people opt for invasive surgical procedures to remove the stubborn fat. However, there is a better option that is non-invasive and does not expose you to infections. It also does not stop you from your daily routine by requiring you to have a bed rest. CoolSculpting is a magically simple procedure that can remove that stubborn fat.

Below, we explore coolSculpting and whether it aids in weight loss.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting involves subjecting fat cells to very low temperatures to the extent that these cells freeze to death. The body later eliminates them from the system.

The body parts recommended for cool sculpting include the abdomen, thighs, back, below the jawline, upper arm, and under the chin. The buttocks and bra bulge are also recommended for treatment. After that procedure, there should be a noticeable fat reduction in a few months as the dead cells exit.

CoolSculpting is not a weightless method. It is only meant to reduce body fat in specific areas. The procedure is approved by the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and therefore considered safe.

The CoolSculpting Procedure

The practitioner vacuums the area being treated. The freezing temperatures directly cool the fat cells, and this causes damage to the cells. Unlike other Body cells, fat cells are susceptible to freezing or cold temperatures, which destroys them. This means that other cells and the skin are not affected by the low temperatures.

The process should take approximately an hour. CoolSculpting, otherwise known as Crolipolysis, is non-invasive. It does not involve surgical procedures or medications. The only major effect is reduced sensation on the treated area. Others are minor issues such as skin redness, bruising, swelling, and increased sensitivity.

Preparing For Coolsculpting

There is not much preparation needed before the CoolSculpting process. However, it’s crucial to make sure your body is in good shape and not too far from your optimum weight. People who are extremely overweight or obese should not use CoolSculpting as a weight loss method. An ideal applicant is in good physical condition and seeking a method to get rid of body fat deposits.

Despite the fact that bruising from the suction of the applicator is common after CoolSculpting, anti-inflammatories such aspirin should be avoided prior to the procedure. This will lessen the possibility of any bruising.

Before and after pictures of the operation will likely be taken by your doctor or other provider to help show whether the treated regions have improved.

Does CoolSculpting Cause Weight loss?

The beauty of coolSculpting is that it’s permanent. Once the fat cells are frozen, they are completely destroyed. These cells are later expelled from the body after 4-6 months, and this may cause a slight weight loss. Many clients report a high success rate with an average fat loss of 20 percent.

It’s important to note that the aim of this procedure is fat loss and not weight loss. There is a stable number of fat cells in the body. The size of these cells increases or decreases in what we call weight gain and weight loss, respectively. The body, however, replaces the dead cells with new ones, and this maintains an equilibrium. With a proper diet and exercise, these cells cannot expand; hence there’s no chance for the stubborn fat to reoccur.

When the dead cells are removed, the weight loss may not be significant since fat does not weigh much. You may therefore experience fat loss but no significant weight loss. When it comes to checking fat loss, you should use calipers and not a weighing scale. A caliper measures the number of inches lost after the procedure.

This may take several months hence the simple reason why coolSculpting results may not be immediate.

Target Areas For CoolSculpting

The following areas may benefit from using CoolSculpting to remove fat:

  • Upper and lower abdomen
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Flanks
  • Arms
  • Chin area (or double chin)
  • Bra and back fat
  • Underneath the buttocks

CoolSculpting or Liposuction?

Liposuction is touted as an alternative to coolSculpting. However, the two procedures vary in very many ways. If you were faced with a choice between the two, you might opt for coolSculpting as the safer alternative. The procedure is non-invasive and does not involve any surgical procedures and anesthesia. The risks involved, such as infections, are therefore avoided.

It is also cheaper compared to liposuction. The procedure is not complicated and takes approximately an hour to complete. This is unlike liposuction, which takes several hours to finish the procedure and recover from the effects of anesthesia and other medications. There is no downtime after the procedure, and you can proceed with your normal routine. On the other hand, liposuction involves suction of fat from your body, which requires bed rest afterward.

Stubborn fat should no longer impede your life. Besides lowering your confidence levels, it may also restrict you from wearing your dream outfits. That’s why you should consider a visit to a medical spa and get rid of stubborn fat. Visit us at My Botox LA Med Spa for more information.

If you love maintaining a slim body or looking good in your outfits, you may have noticed some part with stubborn fat. This fat will not go away however much you try. Your gym instructor must have told you at some point that there’s nothing like spot reduction. This is no longer the truth, as you can reduce stubborn fat in specific areas of your body. This could be on the belly, back, upper arms, thighs, and chin.

Some people opt for invasive surgical procedures to remove the stubborn fat. However, there is a better option that is non-invasive and does not expose you to infections. It also does not stop you from your daily routine by requiring you to have a bed rest. CoolSculpting is a magically simple procedure that can remove that stubborn fat.

Below, we explore coolSculpting and whether it aids in weight loss.

What to Expect After CoolSculpting

After a CoolSculpting procedure, there is minimal to no recovery time required. The majority of individuals quickly receive the go-ahead to resume their typical daily routines. Infrequently, minor side effects like modest redness or soreness may manifest in the treated area, although these often subside after a few weeks.

The effects in the treated areas can be seen three weeks after the treatment. After the initial treatment, the fat-flushing procedure can last up to six months, and the normal results start to show after two to three months. Multiple treatments may be necessary for some persons and body parts. 79 percent of people indicated that CoolSculpting improved the way their clothes fit, according to the CoolSculpting market study.

Additional treatments are typically only required if you wish to target a different area of the body because CoolSculpting targets specific portions of the body. Neither CoolSculpting nor a healthy lifestyle should be substituted for treating obesity. Maintaining results requires continuing to consume a balanced diet and exercise frequently.

Risks or Side Effects

The FDA approved CoolSculpting in 2012, first for the cold-assisted lipolysis of the flanks and belly. The operation has since been approved by the FDA for a number of body parts. The FDA has confirmed its efficacy and safety.

The non-invasive technique known as CoolSculpting is generally safe. Following the operation, common side effects include:

  • Sensations of intense cold
  • Tingling
  • Stinging
  • Pulling
  • Aching
  • Cramping

Once the treated area has become numb, all of these should go away. Following therapy, you can suffer brief side effects, which often disappear within the following few days. Among these negative effects are:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Tenderness
  • Aching
  • Cramping
  • Skin sensitivity

You ought to consult with your primary care physician before deciding whether or not to get CoolSculpting, as with any other medical procedure. If you suffer from Raynaud’s illness or significant sensitivity to low temperatures, you should also be advised about the procedure’s dangers and advantages.


  • No Downtime – The primary draw of CoolSculpting, outside the intended targeted fat removal, is the absence of downtime. Seriously, who wouldn’t? You won’t need to worry about undergoing surgery or anesthesia, changing bandages, missing work, or having to stop your exercise regimen. You can freeze fat cells during your lunch break!
  • If You Can Squeeze It, It Can Freeze It – There aren’t many conditions under which CoolSculpting is inappropriate. Almost every “pinchable” location of fat on the body can be treated with CoolSculpting. The abdomen, bra roll, double chin, upper arms, thighs, love handles, and thighs are some of these locations. (saddlebags and banana rolls). 
  • Coolsculpting Is Completely Non-Invasive – CoolSculpting was practically built for you if you struggle with certain body bulges but are reluctant to undertake liposuction surgery. What could possibly be disliked about a procedure that doesn’t involve any prodding, tucking, or anesthesia? You may actually take a seat, unwind, and see yourself become smoother and leaner!


  • Results Are Not Instant – Humans have an attraction to instant fixes. Results from liposuction are seen more quickly, but fat loss with CoolSculpting takes time. This might be a little of a mental setback for some patients. You will retain your post-treatment appearance for a few days or weeks. The body will naturally destroy the fat cells once they have been chilled to a therapeutic level. The most obvious improvements occur gradually and steadily about 2-3 months following your CoolSculpting treatment, while “fast responders” may occasionally detect a change after 30 days.
  • CoolSculpting Is Not As Predictable As Liposuction – The absolute gold standard for body shaping will always be liposuction. This is due to the fact that liposuction may remove a significant amount of fat and is highly predictable. The process will only reduce a specific layer by 20%–25%, despite the fact that CoolSculpting is the most effective non-surgical body sculpting option and is the preferred treatment for many reasons. It’s also less accurate in molding a specific area’s shape.
  • Potential Side Effects – With millions of satisfied patients worldwide, CoolSculpting is one of the safest fat-reduction procedures available. Nevertheless, it’s important to be aware of certain brief, typical side effects with any medical operation. Patients may feel swelling, redness, numbness, and perhaps even bruising following a CoolSculpting procedure. Even if these side effects are undesirable, they are always brief, go away in a few days, and shouldn’t interfere with your everyday activities.

Alternatives to CoolSculpting

There are several different brands of cryolipolysis; CoolSculpting is merely one of them. However, it is still unclear if one brand is more or less likely than another to result in PAH.

Trusculpt and other noninvasive fat removal techniques use radiofrequency devices to “melt” fat cells. According to Zeichner, injectable treatments like Kybella may be a possibility for very minor fat deposits.

For more thorough fat removal, Matarasso advises liposuction or popular procedures like the “tummy tuck”.

CoolSculpting won’t ever be as dramatic as liposuction, according to Matarasso. “You could never do more with CoolSculpting on one patient yesterday than I did in an hour.”


A non-invasive fat reduction technique called CoolSculpting freezes and destroys fat cells in particular body regions. Although CoolSculpting can reduce fat in treated regions noticeably, it is not a weight loss solution. Because of this, the operation could not result in a noticeable reduction in overall body weight. But CoolSculpting can be an effective tool for shaping particular body parts and achieving a more toned appearance. To obtain and maintain a healthy body weight, it is ultimately crucial to lead a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and frequent exercise.

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