Core Strategies for How to Write Faster

Do you want to be more productive and write faster? Are you looking for really powerful and proven strategies to boost your writing? 

Great, here’s a quick tip for you. 

Certainly, you can turn to a fast custom essay writing service to complete your writing assignments on time and professionally.  CustomWritings is a great solution for students.

On top of that, here are also 9 powerful strategies that can speed up your writing. Check them and start to implement them today.

Plan the Exact Time for Writing and Add It To Your Schedule 

Do you know that planning and executing the things that are on your to-do list can increase your productivity by 25%? That’s amazing, isn’t it? 

Why not use this power of planning and time management to your advantage while completing your essays and assignments? 

Think about what time of the day is the most suitable for sitting down and writing your essay. Add it to your to-do list. Execute it. This simple strategy can help you turn in your paper on time. 

Interested in learning more about time management, productivity, and planning? Feel free to check this great article by Brian Tracy

Turn off Your Phone 

Do you wake up and start your morning routine from checking your phone? 

Let’s face it, your phone is one of the biggest distractors. How can you focus on writing if your phone buzzes every 5 minutes? It’s impossible. 

Distractions kill focus that is crucial for doing things fast. 

Just give it a try. Turn off your phone while you’ll be writing your next essay and see the difference. 

Close All Your Social Media Accounts 

It’s not an easy thing. Especially if you’ve already developed a bad habit of checking all your social media accounts every 20-30 minutes. 

However, you need to recognize you have this problem. Then you need to take action. Close all your social media accounts and don’t open them until you finish your essay, blog post, etc. 

Eat One Piece of an Elephant at a Time

That’s how Brian Tracy would say about multitasking. The truth is that switching between tasks kills your focus. It kills your productivity by 80%. 

Why not focus on one thing at a time and do it fast and properly till you finish it? 

For this, you need to get rid of all your distractors and commit to maintaining your focus on writing only. 

Find a Quiet Place Where Nobody Will Disturb You 

Another great tip for increasing your productivity is to create a comfortable workplace where nobody will disturb you.  A room with a table should be fine for writing. It would be great if it could be a room with a lot of natural light. 

Before you start make sure you’ve got everything you need for research and writing. 

Write It First, Edit It Later  

Don’t bother your head about editing until you write up the whole piece. Switching between editing and writing also kills your productivity. Avoid this. 

Moreover, for proper in-depth editing, you need to have a fresh look at your piece of writing. It’s impossible without taking a break.  

The best option is when someone else could edit your essay or blog post. 

Use the Pomodoro Technique to Speed It Up 

The idea of the Pomodoro technique introduced by Francesco Cirillo is to split time into small chunks. It can be 25 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes or any amount you’d like between 15 to 30 minutes. 

It works like this. Choose your amount of minutes for 1 chunk of time. Use countdown to set the time. Start writing fast. When time is up, give yourself a short break. 2-3 minutes are totally fine. Set time again. Repeat the process. 

It works amazingly well. It boosts your productivity. It’s easy to implement. Try it.  

Choose Two Rewards Before You Start  

Our brain is set up in such a way that we are constantly looking for happiness and joy. That being said, why not turn the writing process into something pleasant? 

How can you do this? Choose the reward for completing your writing assignment. 

To develop this idea, you can choose 2 rewards. One reward is just for finishing your writing. Another one (bigger or more pleasant reward) is for finishing it on time or before the set deadline. 

Try this. You’ll be amazed at how your motivation will boost.  If you have enough motivation, the speed of writing will increase sufficiently. 


As you can see, a strong focus is the core factor for speeding up your writing. Don’t switch to another activity till you finish your writing. Use time management tips and techniques to your advantage. 

How do you like these strategies? Even great ideas are just ideas without execution. So, why not try all these strategies? 

Start to implement them today and give your feedback on what works for you and what doesn’t.  


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