Common Myths About Indoor Mold

Many myths are spread about mold. While there are many stories about mold, you can’t just believe any you come across. It pays a lot to be considerate about your home’s mold problem. The first step towards that would be eliminating the mold to avoid health complications. You can seek mold remediation services from Manta Property Service Group. They have many years of experience specializing in mold inspections and removal.  

Here is a shortlist of the most common myths about indoor mold that are so popular, people tend to believe they are true.

Only Black Mold Is Harmful

Mold takes various colors. This depends on the type of fungus and germs that develop and multiply on the spot. Black mold could have less toxicity than white, brown, or yellow. Black mold is quite easy to find and to remove, while other types can be there for ages before you finally identify them. 

There is no general rule that black mold is harmful. The only way to say so is to call for expert service and have them take some samples. The lab analysis will tell you which fungus is responsible for that black-colored colony you have just identified on your walls. The same analysis would also determine if it’s dangerous for your health and if it is, the next steps you should take is to remove it.

Mold Cannot Affect Healthy People

People suffering from chronic respiratory diseases like asthma and emphysema could indeed get affected by mold. However, it’s a common myth that healthy people couldn’t jeopardize their health by living in moldy apartments. 

The density of the mold population and its toxicity could create a lethal cocktail for people living and breathing the air in a moldy room. It only takes a surge in temperature and humidity to allow mold particles to enter healthy people’s lungs. Then,they could develop inflammatory diseases like legionnaires’ disease, which has caused many deaths of people working in offices.

Water Leaks Are The Only Reason To Trigger Mold Creation

Many people falsely believe that mold comes only after a massive water leak. Such incidents only accelerate mold creation since spores hidden in the walls or the indoor air find the right environment to grow and expand. Homes that never suffered from a burst water pipe could face mold problems too.

That is the case when the kitchens or bathrooms have no windows or other types of ventilation. Mold loves humid and warm conditions that are present in many homes during winter. This is the time when mold could develop out of the blue and trigger all its devastating effects to your home’s appearance and-most importantly- the occupants  health.

Mold Removal Is A Do-It-Yourself Task

Most DIY sites spread the common myth that you can deal with mold without calling expert services. These sites go one step forward and suggest that a sponge and some chlorine could easily remove mold from all spots. People have a misconception about mold, thinking that eradicating the superficial layer would leave their homes clean and disinfected.

The reality is a lot different. Mold penetrates the inner layers of your walls and ceilings, making it impossible to remove it with simple chlorine solutions. By scrubbing the walls, you can scratch the surface and reveal fresh material for mold to colonize. Even the close contact with bleaching agents and spores could impact your health levels. It’s always better to leave the experts to deep clean your mold spots. Their thorough service and safety measures assure you of the success of this project.

After Mold Removal, There Is No Need For Preventive Measures

When the mold colony has finally disappeared, most people believe they are done once and for all. This is another myth spread around the web that makes people spend lots of money on useless remedies. The reality is that what you identify as mold is only the superficial macroscopic view of the developing fungi. 

The cause for mold creation lies within your home structure and your living conditions. It’s always possible to use a dehumidifier and keep the relative humidity low, especially during winter. Additionally, anti-mold paint colors are available in the market. They offer good protection against mold creation and protect your walls and ceilings. 

Mold may and should be totally absent from your home

On both counts, false. Mold spores are a normal component of the environment and are present both inside and outside of buildings. To completely rid your house of all mold spores would be very difficult (and unneeded for most people). Mold is only a problem when it is present in harmful concentrations, usually as big, obvious colonies.

Both “toxic mold” and “black mold” are extremely deadly

Much of this is false. First off, the majority of so-called “black” molds are really extremely dark green and are not the Stachybotrys mold, which has been linked to negative health impacts. Second, the term “toxic mold” is frequently misused by the media. Toxins are only produced by specific types of mold spores and under specific conditions. It’s also improbable that most individuals could inhale enough mold at their office or home to receive a “toxic” dosage, even if they were manufacturing toxins.

The removal is optional once the mold has been eliminated

False. Even after the mold is dead, the allergens it contains are still there and can spread through the air. Mold in your house should be completely eliminated after being destroyed by you or a mold treatment expert.

Bleach eliminates mold

These kinds of generalizations are rarely entirely accurate. On nonporous surfaces, certain types of mold can be eliminated using bleach. It is unknown, nevertheless, if it eliminates all mold on all surfaces. Its usefulness, in particular, on porous surfaces like wood, is still up for debate.

Mold is typically not a sign of concern in modest amounts

False. A tiny bit of mold, particularly close to a place you can’t see, may only be the tip of the iceberg. The degree of your mold problem can only be accurately determined by a trained mold inspector.

Mold is not advantageous

The myth is true. While prolonged exposure to mold might have a negative impact on your health, some molds can also be helpful. Mold may be found in natural settings where it aids in the breakdown of organic matter and promotes the growth of other species. While making cheese, certain molds, such Aspergillus flavus, are used. Moreover, certain molds are utilized in medicine. For instance, Penicillin, the first antibiotic ever discovered, was made possible because of the Penicillium mold. Nevertheless, immunocompromised people who are exposed to large concentrations of certain kinds of mold may experience health problems.

Only young people or those who have asthma are susceptible to health problems brought on by mold

This is another subtle error. On the one hand, it is true that mold may have a detrimental effect on youngsters and those with respiratory conditions.

Healthy individuals can, however, also experience the negative consequences of mold exposure under the correct circumstances, including coughing, sore throats, lightheadedness, and a variety of other symptoms.

In fact, elements like the length of the development cycle and a lack of ventilation in the area where the mold is developing might increase the risk of health issues.

The presence of mold in your home indicates a lack of cleanliness

It is untrue. A moisture issue in your home is indicated by the presence of mold. There are naturally occurring mold spores almost everywhere, both indoors and outside. They only require the ideal temperature and moisture content in your home for them to develop into a mold colony. Regular causes of moisture issues and mold growth include high humidity levels, poor ventilation, water leaks, and flooding.

Mold will not be killed or prevented from spreading by painting over it

That is accurate. Mold cannot be killed by paint, nor can it be stopped from growing. The first step in limiting the growth and spread of mold is to identify and fix the moisture issue. After doing this, you can attempt to paint over the mold to cover the staining, but frequently the mold will still show through. The contaminated drywall should be removed and replaced in order to get rid of the mold.

Rubber gloves are all you need to keep yourself safe

It is untrue. The same safety measures that are used by trained experts must also be followed by amateurs who are removing mold. This entails donning personal protective equipment (such as safety glasses or goggles, N95 masks, and disposable rubber gloves), keeping mold and mold spores away from occupants of the building, increasing ventilation, disposing of all moldy materials properly (by sealing them in plastic bags and removing them from the area promptly), etc. Also, caution must be exercised so as not to add any new dangers. falls from ladders, electric shocks, etc.

Dead mold causes no harm

Mold enters a stage known as dormancy or inactivity. Both active and latent mold spores can be toxic to a person. Nearly 95% of mold experts in the field get samples that are referred to be non-viable and do not distinguish between active and dormant mold spores.

Mold cannot possibly exist in your home  

Zero molds suggests that there is no mold development. Every homeowner has to be aware that mold spores are always present. Both indoor and outdoor spaces fall under this. The mold spores can never be entirely removed.

The actual question is if your home has conducive conditions that make it simple for mold colonies to establish themselves. The quantity of mold spores in indoor air is another problem.

High humidity levels are among these beneficial circumstances. A water leak may occasionally result in an increase in the amount of moisture in your indoor air. Fixing any faulty pipes will take care of humidity problems.

Mold spore concentrations might be higher than normal in homes with inadequate ventilation. Some persons may begin to display signs of exposure to hazardous mold. Always check to see if your house is ventilated.

Mold is a plan

One of the most prevalent fallacies regarding molds is this one. Fungi, not plants, cause mold.

Molds are living things that develop and require food and air to thrive, but they do not belong in animal or plant kingdoms.

Molds are fungi and are spread by the release of spores. They can thrive practically anywhere there is moisture and grow enormously in only a few days.

Wood, carpet, food, insulation, paper, and carpet are the items that enable mold development in buildings the most frequently. Molds resemble miniature mushrooms with root threads and a stem when viewed under a microscope.

Knowing about these common myths is the first step to identify how important it is to keep mold away from your home. When you are well-informed, there is no reason to worry. Sooner or later, you will find a way to keep your premises mold-free.