Coffee Brewing Mistakes Everyone Needs to Avoid

More often than not people don’t even realize they are making mistakes while brewing their fresh cup of morning coffee. While you might argue that the coffee you’re used to drinking doesn’t need alterations because you’re used to it, you might reconsider once you correct these mistakes. From the crucial improvements such as choosing the right water and checking how fresh the beans are to the simplest tasks such as prewarming your cup, here are all the coffee brewing mistakes everyone needs to avoid. If you are looking for high-quality coffee machines and equipment, including premium coffee beans, coffee experts from can help you. 

Using Unfiltered Water

While many people don’t even consider the water to be a very important ingredient needed to brew coffee, the professional coffee brewers note it couldn’t be more important. Some might argue that brewing coffee is nothing special to them and that they just want a caffeine boost, but switching tap water for filtered water can make a world of difference. The main reason behind this is that unfiltered water, usually tap water, contains all kinds of minerals, ions, and impurities that change its quality and taste. These contaminants can vary greatly and will affect the taste of your freshly brewed coffee. Water will make up short of 100% of your coffee so be sure to go for filtered water or use water filters. Some minerals in the water are good for making espresso but are meanwhile undesirable for coffee brews such as Aeropress or French Press so check your water filtration systems if you don’t already have one.

Stale Coffee Beans

Your freshly brewed coffee cup will taste all the better the fresher the coffee beans you used to make it are. To ensure your coffee beans don’t go stale you should pay attention to two things: buying freshly roasted beans, and proper storage to maintain freshness because as expert coffee brewers suggest, the time between roasting coffee beans and the actual brewing is crucial to the taste of the final product. The shorter this period is, the more flavor and character you will be able to get out of it. One of the common mistakes is that people buy coffee beans unaware of their origin and the time when they were roasted. To avoid this common brewing mistake you should insist on buying coffee beans with a known roasting date because this will effectively be the only way you could know whether the beans are the freshest.

Incorrect Ratios

Another very common coffee brewing mistake that significantly alters the taste and character of the brew is using incorrect ingredients ratio. This most commonly applies to the ratio of coffee and water and more people every day find themselves making a cup of coffee that’s either too weak or too strong and rarely get the measurements just right. Luckily, there are some guidelines that can give you more info to help you achieve a better ratio. Start with two heaping tablespoons of freshly ground (and not stale) coffee beans per cup. From then on you can modify the future brews to better suit your liking. The incorrect milk to water ratio is even more worrisome when it comes down to making different types of brews such as an espresso, a cappuccino, latte, or a flat white. 

Using the Wrong Cup

We’ve already covered some of the most obvious and most detrimental mistakes that everyone should avoid when brewing coffee such as the choice of water and the beans themselves. While these mistakes are huge, there are still some minor ones you need to pay attention to as well. These include the right choice of the cup you will drink your coffee from and the right preparation to do so. There’s a reason that all the coffee shops you’ve visited have similar cups specially designed for drinking coffee. They have thick walls that work as a sort of insulator because they keep the coffee warm for longer, which is crucial for the optimum taste. Furthermore, you should pay attention to have your coffee cup warm before you pour the coffee in because it will stay hotter for longer if the initial temperature is higher. Simply pre-warm your cup with piping hot water, discard it once it’s hot, and pour the coffee in. 

Remember to implement these small but significant changes into your coffee brewing routine to ensure the maximum body and taste. They are often quite inexpensive and will take your taste buds on a whirl. Read up on more coffee brewing information such as the right water to milk ratios to better make your favorite type of brew.

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