All You Need to Know About Denture Implants

Dentists use dental implants as a high-tech substitute for missing teeth. A titanium root, crown, bridge, or denture may be attached to the bone. An artificial tooth may last a lifetime with adequate maintenance, but it isn’t as durable as natural teeth. There are several reasons why dental implant technology has become the standard procedure for replacing missing teeth. Most patients can now take advantage of these advancements in dentistry, and even those previously told they couldn’t, as the cost of Denture Implants in Brisbane is reasonable. The average cost of a denture implant in Brisbane ranges from $3000- $6000 and is worth every penny as teeth are a very delicate and essential part of the body. There were over 15000 clinics in Australia providing this service as of 2020, out of which a large percentage of clinics were from Brisbane.


Dentistry has a long history of innovation. It also demonstrates how much people care about the health and appearance of their teeth. There are thousands of years of progress to consider, including seemingly modern dental care innovations such as dental implants.

Ancient Tooth Replacement Attempts

Some of the earliest attempts at dental implants can be traced back to antiquity. These tooth replacement attempts demonstrate an attempt to fill the gaps left by missing teeth in both living and deceased people.

  • 4,000 Years Ago – Bamboo pegs were used to fill the gaps left by missing teeth in China.
  • 3,000 Years Ago – In Egypt, a copper peg was inserted into the gap left by a missing upper tooth by an Egyptian king. This copper peg was installed after the king died.
  • 2,300 Years Ago – An iron false tooth was found in a cadaver in a Celtic grave located in France. Again, it is assumed that this false tooth was implanted after the individual died.
  • 2,000 Years Ago – Animal teeth and human teeth (often from slaves or poor people) were used to replace missing teeth in countless civilizations.

18th and 19th Centuries Innovations

The 1700s and 1800s saw significant advancements in implant dentistry. Dentists and doctors began experimenting with gold and other metal alloys to aid in the support of false teeth. These early attempts were unsuccessful because the body frequently rejected these early implants. It would take time before a proper alloy for implants could be identified.

Dental Implants in the early 20th Century

Doctors in the 1930s and 1940s began to use orthopedic screws to hold false teeth in place. To encourage bone growth around these early implants, a special spiral post design was used.

20th Century Innovations

Further innovations in implants dentistry have occurred in the decades since Dr. Branemark’s discovery. New implant shapes have been used to ensure the implant’s proper stability when in place. Furthermore, new oral surgery techniques have been developed to improve patient recovery and the stability of dental implants in place.

Dental Implants May Be Used by Anybody Who Qualifies Under This

One or more teeth missing or decaying to the point that they can’t be saved typically necessitate the use of implants. Implants may be an option for you if you’re unhappy with current dentures, partial dentures, or bridges. People with a lack of bone or specific health problems and behaviours were not considered for dental implants for a long time. However, this has changed. Implants are now a viable option for most patients because of advances in diagnosis and bone regeneration. You can easily consult or get an examination done by a dentist in Brisbane, and they charge $50 for a basic one.

Dental Implants Provide Several Benefits

A dental implant functions just like a natural tooth

Full chewing power is one significant benefit of implanting a tooth. Implant teeth look and feel like natural teeth to most people. They can eat and brush and floss regularly, and they can do so while wearing it.

Endure for the Rest of Your Life

Dental implants, on the other hand, may endure for the rest of your life. The titanium implant is inserted into the jawbone and becomes a part of it. In other words, it’s non-toxic and won’t cause a reaction in the body. Overall, it’s an adequate tooth replacement.

Bone Loss Is Prevented

Due to the lack of stimulation provided by the absence of teeth, the jaw bone in the vacant region deteriorates. No implant is put in place within one year after tooth loss, and this bone loss continues for several years.

Bone loss may be accelerated if dentures become loose and brush on the bony ridge, causing it to deteriorate progressively. An implant can stimulate bone formation since it replaces the root and the tooth and restores normal chewing.

Implants Stabilise Neighbouring Teeth

A lost tooth may cause surrounding teeth to move crookedly towards the direction of the missing tooth’s socket. Your bite, ability to chew, and look may all be harmed as a result of this. It might pose problems when the time comes to replace a missing tooth in the future. A bad bite may also cause problems with your TMJ (temporomandibular joint) and lead to discomfort and headaches.

Maintain Your Gums Healthy

Gum disease may develop as a result of food and germs being trapped in a tooth gap.

Prevent Face Drooping and Premature Ageing

Bone loss as a consequence of lost teeth may cause facial drooping. The bottom portion of the face begins to collapse during this stage, narrowing the gap between the nose and the chin. In addition to thinned lips and a more pointed chin, wrinkles around the mouth may make the individual seem much older than they are.

Confidence Is Boosted as a Result

Dental implants are significant because they may boost your self-esteem, in addition to their health advantages. It’s easy to feel self-conscious about your look if you have missing teeth. Once you’ve had dental implants, you might begin to feel confident in your appearance. Improved speaking is a further benefit of dental implants. Dental implants are more stable than dentures, so you won’t have to worry about slurring your words or mumbling while speaking.

Things to Keep in Mind and Avoid

  • The cost of Denture Implants in Brisbane is reasonable and affordable as per one’s standard income. Another advantage of dental implants in Brisbane is their comfort.
  • Dental implants have a success record of as high as 98 per cent in Brisbane, making them incredibly effective. Take a look at how the success rate changes based on where implants are put on the jaw.
  • Implants may last a lifetime if they are correctly cared for. Brushing, flossing, and regular dental cleanings are part of implant care, similar to caring for natural teeth. To maintain healthy teeth, your dentist in Brisbane might provide extra home care cleaning techniques.
  • You must have sufficient bone to sustain an implant and healthy gums to be a candidate for implant therapy.
  • Before dental implant surgery, smokers should abstain from smoking for at least a week. They should also refrain from smoking for up to two months after having implant surgery.
  • Even though dental implants do not impact adjacent teeth, you may need additional treatment after receiving an implant. For keeping the implant in the jawbone, this procedure is necessary. Ask your dentist about the benefits and drawbacks of this treatment option before making a decision.

Author: Alison Lurie

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