A Home Recipe For Tender Rose Soap

What substance is the soap actually

Chemically, soap is a salt (or mixture of salts and fatty acids) formed by the chemical reaction known as saponification. In this instance, the acid is any fat (e.g., lard), and the base is NaOH, or sodium hydroxide. This reaction produces alcohol (glycerol) as a byproduct.

What is the main difference between homemade and the other soaps?

All ingredients other than soap are eliminated in industrial soap production. Glycerin is a valuable ingredient that can be used as a moisturizing and nourishing agent for the skin.

However, homemade hand soap will contain rare glycerine and vitamins that are often missing from commercially-sold soaps.

From the 18th century, soaps were first commercially produced. Until then, soap production was largely the domain of housewives.

The cold method of soapmaking is the most straightforward. We won’t use any heating devices or cookers. Saponification will occur within 24 hours due to the heat created by the reaction of the lye solution with oils.

You can also try melt-and-pour soap, where you don’t have to deal with any lye.

This foaming soap recipe makes a wonderful foam and is a great substitute for soap!

Some words about the rose as an ingredient

Roses have a great skin-care benefit. They are rich in antioxidants that strengthen the skin and help to regenerate tissues. Roses have both anti-aging and healing properties. Roses are a great ingredient in creams with roses and rose water.

What is the difference between the ordinary soap and the rose soap

  • Rose oil This rose-scented DIY oil is a must-have in every household. It’s made from ultra-rich grape seed oils and rose petals from Rose Damascena.
  • Rose essential oil – A skin healer for acne scars and other skin conditions, rose essential oils is a great moisturizer with anti-inflammatory qualities.
  • Rose petals – It’s not easy to add rose petals to cold process soap. The saponification process changes the petals’ bright red color to brown. I decided to use the rose petals as a final step on the soap’s surface.

Other Ingredients:

  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil fractionated
  • Cocoa butter
  • Beetroot powder to decorate

The pink color of the rose hand soap bars is what I think it should be. The organic beetroot powder as a coloring agent is a good option. After the lye reaction, the soap turned pink to brown. The beetroot powder is added to the soap to add some color.

What tools will you need?

  • One pair of gloves that are water resistant
  • Eye protection is required to prevent caustic exposure
  • Small glass or plastic jars to measure the lye
  • To mix the lye and liquid in a jar made of stainless steel or heat-resistant glass
  • Use a heat-resistant bowl or a metal bowl to mix the oils.
  • double decimal digital kitchen scale
  • Thermometer (to measure the temperature of oils and lye)
  • immersion blender
  • Double boiler
  • Soap mold (it’s also possible to use shoeboxes)
  • Line the soap mold with parchment paper

Steps to follow


It is important that all ingredients are ready for use at this stage. You cannot make any changes to the recipe unless you adjust the soap calc. Every oil requires a different amount if it is to saponify. Therefore, accuracy in both the ingredients and their quantities is crucial.


Begin with the rose-infused oil. You can use rose oil if you have it already. You can either replace the carrier oil in the recipe or recalculate it. You might get a lovely color from your soap by reflecting the color of rose petals in the final oil color.


A decimal scale is used to measure exactly how much water you need to fill a heat-resistant jar. You can also add rose water to your water.


Wear your gloves and goggles, and then measure exactly how much lye you need into a glass container.


Pay attention to the next step. Slowly pour the lye into the water! It is important that you do this exactly, and not the opposite. Start with small amounts, then stir the mixture a little and wait until the lye is fully dissolved. Then, add another batch. The mixture produces intense fumes, so make sure you keep your windows open and don’t inhale directly. The jar should be extremely hot once the lye has dissolved. Place it in a safe location out of reach. Label it. Make sure that no one else touches the jar. Wait for the mixture to cool down, which should take approximately. 1 hour.


Start measuring the oily areas by taking off your protective gear. Measure olive oil, coconut oil, rose oil, cocoa butter, and coconut oil as accurately as possible.

Use a double boiler so as to melt the cocoa butter. Mix it with any other oily components. Allow the mixture to cool on the side.


Now, it’s time for you to prepare your molds. Because my molds are made of wood, I lined them with parchment paper to make them easy to clean. This step may not be applicable if you are using silicone molds.


You can verify with a thermometer that both the liquid and oily temperatures are nearly equal. Slowly add the lye mixture to the bowl. Add the oils and blend until smoothness is achieved. It may take some time, depending on how strong your blender is. To prevent the blender from overheating, you may switch it on and off.


It is now time to add essential oils. Rose essential oil is what will be used to increase the rose power, but you can use any oil that you prefer.


Mix the mixture in the molds. Decorate with rose petals or beetroot powder if you like.


Saponification takes about 24 hours. During this time, you should keep the soap warm. It is best to wrap it in a towel to keep it from getting wet.


The next day, remove the soap mold from your hands and cut it in whatever shape you prefer – squares, slices, etc. You might find it difficult to cut the soap if you wait for it to harden a bit.


You will need to wait for the saponification process to finish before you can finally enjoy your soap made from scratch. Just like the soap that 17-century housewives made. Congratulations if this is what you have achieved.

Final words

Making soap is an enjoyable and creative hobby, but it can be difficult if you are just starting. There are also other alternative ways about that how to make soap out there. You also could make(for example) the rose soap a part of a special Christmas gift sets for your loved ones. And remember, if your soap turns out to be not so good – there is always a first time.


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