A Brief Guide to Allergies in Fairfield County

Any type of allergy can be pretty annoying, inconvenient, and troubling. Data suggest that more than 50 million Americans suffer various kinds of allergies in a year, and they are also the sixth leading cause of illness in the country. The annual cost of treating allergies in the USA is more than 18 billion USD$ every year, while treating food allergies costs around 25 billion USD$. Fairfield County in Connecticut has seasonal and food allergies that affect adults and children. The importance of an allergy doctor Fairfield County is significant, particularly for those vulnerable to it. What vital facts should you know about allergies before visiting your physician? Read on to know.

Top Causes of Allergies in Fairfield County

As mentioned earlier, Fairfield County in Connecticut has both food and environmental allergies, both of which are caused by various factors.

Food Allergies

The Food Allergy Research and Corporation, or FARE, showed that Connecticut was one of the top states in the USA with food allergies. Most of the allergic reactions were caused by milk, tree nuts, peanut, wheat, soy, shellfish, eggs, fish, and similar food products. However, the severest reactions like anaphylaxis were caused by peanuts and tree nuts. Mild allergic symptoms may include nausea, eczema, hives, stomach pain, dry cough, sneezing, and weird taste in the mouth. Extreme symptoms can manifest themselves as lips, throat, and tongue swelling, chest pain, skin turning blue, and a drastic fall in blood pressure.

How are food allergies treated?

The best course of action for dealing with food allergies is to completely cut them out of your diet and keep emergency supplies, such as epinephrine autoinjectors, on hand at all times in case of accidental intake and response. After using an epinephrine autoinjector, it’s critical to seek emergency medical attention right afterward. It is also advised to wear a medical alert identification that states your food sensitivities.

Your doctor may recommend medications to lessen the symptoms of an allergic reaction. These medications consist of:

  • Epinephrine, a life-saving emergency drug that starts reversing anaphylactic symptoms right away (such as in EpiPen® or Auvi-Q).
  • Antihistamines, drugs that lessen congestion or irritation.
  • If you experience a severe allergic response, corticosteroids might be used to relieve swelling.

Environmental Allergies

Environmental allergies are those caused by substances in the environment caused by airborne allergens such as mold, pet dander, dust mites, and pollen. They are also caused by chemical allergens like preservatives, ingredients used in soaps and shampoos, and various chemicals at the workplace. Contact allergens, for example, poison oak, poison ivy, and latex, are the reasons behind these allergies, besides the bees, wasps, and hornets stings. A person with these allergies manifests symptoms such as coughing, runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, headaches, hives, and nausea.

How environmental allergies are treated?

To control symptoms and avoid allergic responses, environmental allergies are often treated with a mix of medication and lifestyle modifications. These are a few typical therapies for environmental allergies:

  1. Antihistamines. These drugs operate by preventing the production of histamine, which causes numerous allergy-related symptoms like sneezing, itching, and a runny nose. Loratadine, cetirizine, and fexofenadine are a few popular antihistamines.
  2. Decongestants. By lessening nasal tube edema, these drugs aid in the relief of nasal congestion. Phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine are two popular decongestants.
  3. Nasal corticosteroids. These drugs lessen nasal passageway inflammation and can assist with symptoms including congestion, runny nose, and sneezing. Fluticasone, mometasone, and budesonide are a few of the more popular nasal corticosteroids.
  4. Immunotherapy. In order to lessen the intensity of the allergic reaction, immunotherapy entails gradually exposing the patient to little doses of the allergen. Sublingual immunotherapy or allergy injections can do this (under-the-tongue drops).
  5. Life Changes. Adapting your lifestyle can help reduce allergy responses by limiting your exposure to allergens. This can entail closing windows and doors, using air purifiers, and staying indoors at allergy season’s peak.

To find the best course of action for your unique environmental allergies, it is crucial to see a doctor or allergist.

Causes of Seasonal Allergies in Fairfield County

Seasonal allergies in Fairfield County and Connecticut occur mainly during the fall season. One of the primary reasons behind this is the presence of ragweed pollen, an allergy trigger that quickly enters people’s gardens and homes. Ragweed produces about 100 million tons of pollen in the USA every year. The allergy factor plays a significant role in making Connecticut one of the most challenging places to live for people with spring allergies.

Pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds

One of the most frequent allergens that cause seasonal allergies is pollen. Because of the abundance of oak, birch, and maple pollen in Fairfield County, springtime is often the worst season for allergies.

Mold Spores

Seasonal allergies can also be brought on by mold spores, particularly in the summer and fall when humidity levels are high. While interior molds may be found in wet places like bathrooms and basements, outdoor molds can be discovered in soil, compost piles, and rotting plants.


In Fairfield County, ragweed is a typical weed that blooms in the late summer and early fall. It produces a lot of pollen, which can cause allergy symptoms including runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing.

Air Pollution

Seasonal allergies can also get worse when there is a lot of air pollution. Ozone pollution in Fairfield County is at a high level, which might make allergy problems worse.

Animal Dander

Seasonal allergies may also be exacerbated by pets, particularly if you are sensitive to their dander. Several homes in Fairfield County contain cats or dogs, which might shed allergic proteins.


Not only are cockroaches frequent household pests, but they can also aggravate allergies and asthma. Symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and coughing can be brought on by the allergens found in cockroach droppings, saliva, and bodies.

The best thing to do if you are allergic to cockroaches is to keep your house tidy and cockroach-free. But there are certain things you can do to assist lessen your symptoms if you already have a cockroach infestation.

Then, close up any openings that cockroaches can use to enter your house. To help lessen the number of cockroaches in your house, utilize roach traps. Finally, frequently clean your house to get rid of cockroach feces and other irritants.

Avoiding exposure to allergens that make you sick is the best method to prevent seasonal allergies. To lessen indoor allergies, you may remain indoors on days with a lot of pollen, use air filters and dehumidifiers, and frequently clean your house to get rid of dust and mold. If your allergies are bad, you might also want to think about getting allergy injections or other prescribed medications from your doctor.

Pet Allergies

It is believed that almost 48% of households in the USA have one or more dogs as pets, while about 90% have detectable levels of dog and cat allergens. However, in Connecticut and most of Fairfield County, cats enjoy more popularity than dogs. Data reveals that 28.3% of households in the state have a dog, while 31.9% own a cat. While pets are loveable in more ways than you can think of, pet allergies are caused by exposure to dead flakes of skin (known as dander) that a pet sheds. Its symptoms are hives, facial pain, runny nose, coughing, and watery eyes.

How Can Your Allergy Doctor Help You?

Allergy shots or allergen immunotherapy is the most common way of treating allergies at primary healthcare centers across Fairfield County. They are a long-term treatment for particular symptoms, including conjunctivitis, allergic asthma, or rhinitis, and are usually given to individuals over five years of age. The shots are effective and provide relief in a short time. However, the results are different between patients, depending on the dose and duration of the treatment program. At times, your primary care doctor might also administer anti-allergic injectors three to four times a week during the build-up phase.

You must visit your allergy doctor in Fairfield County at the first signs of an allergy, using the help of the symptoms mentioned above. It can lead to severe consequences if not attended to at the right time with the proper treatment.

Here are some other ways in which an allergy doctor can help you:

  1. Diagnosis. An allergy doctor can correctly identify your allergies using a number of procedures, including skin testing and blood tests. The allergens that cause your symptoms will then be discovered.
  2. Treatment. After a diagnosis of your allergies, an allergist will be able to suggest a course of action that best suits your requirements. This might involve taking drugs, receiving immunotherapy, or avoiding allergies.
  3. Education. You may learn more about your allergies and how to manage them from an allergist. This can contain details on avoiding allergens, identifying, and treating symptoms, and what to do in the event of an allergic response.
  4. Treatment of Chronic Allergies. If you suffer from persistent allergies, a doctor who specializes in allergies can assist you in managing them by developing a tailored treatment plan that takes into consideration your unique requirements and triggers.
  5. Management of Asthma. Because allergies and asthma frequently coexist, a doctor who specializes in allergies can help you take care of both problems. To assist you in reducing the symptoms of your asthma, they can provide you with information, medications, and treatment alternatives.

You may significantly enhance your quality of life and control your allergies with the assistance of an allergy doctor. It is crucial to see an allergist for accurate diagnosis and treatment if you are exhibiting allergy-related symptoms.

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