Why Organic Meat Is Worth the Extra Cost

Organic food has become very popular the world over in the last few years. Support for organic food had been growing for some time before its popularity boom. Now, with organic food absolutely everywhere, some may be wondering what the big deal is, and if it is worth the extra cost? It is not a secret that organic food is much more expensive than non-organic food. The reason for this is the labour and time that goes into it, as well as the land that is required to farm the food, as organic food takes much longer to cultivate, requires more staff, and needs larger plots of land.

This page will hope to explain to you why organic meat is worth the extra cost, and why it is an investment worth making. If, however, you do not have the budget to invest in organic meat, you may still be able to incorporate some organic foods [fruit and vegetables] into your diet for a lesser price.

Here is why organic food is worth the extra cost, and why you can benefit from making the investment in organic food.

Hold on a Second, what is Organic Food?

Before we can go into why organic meat is worth the extra cost, it is first important to explain to those who do not know, what organic food is. Organic food is sustainably grown and sourced food that does not incorporate chemicals, pesticides, and hormones into the cultivation of fruit and vegetables, nor are antibiotics and hormones administered to animals raised on organic farms. Essentially, organic food is chemical-free. Much of the store-bought food we eat nowadays is sourced from non-organic farms, and because of this, we are constantly eating chemicals, pesticides, and adulterating agents.

Now, with that out of the way, let’s explain why organic meat is far superior to non-organic meat.

The Benefits of Organic Meat

How your meat is raised has a major impact on your emotional, physical, and mental health, as well as the environment. Organic foods are proven to have higher concentrations of beneficial nutrients, namely antioxidants, and because of this, they taste far better. Organic foods are said to be better for those with allergies, and people may find their allergies diminish when they eat an organic diet. We are, for the purposes of this article, only focusing on the benefits of organic meat, but rest-assured, organic vegetables and fruit are just as good as organic meat.

Grass-Fed and Sustainable

Animals raised on organic farms have a much better quality of life than those that do not. Animals raised on organic farms are free to roam, and according to the organic food specialists from https://www.cleaversorganic.com/pages/cinnamon-smoked-ribeye, are grass-fed, and sustainably raised. The quality of the life of the animals you eat can have a huge impact on the flavour and the taste of the meat. If the animals lead unhappy, unhealthy lives, the flavour will reflect that.

Fewer Chemical Agents

Chemicals are often added to meat after slaughter to ensure that the meat does not rot, or that bacteria do not form; on organic meat, the meat is stored properly, so this is not a problem, and because of this, there are no preservative chemicals or agents added to the meat.


Because organic meat does not contain preservatives, the meat is fresher. Organic meat is usually produced on farms close to the retailer [but not always]. Either or, the meat is usually very fresh.

Better for the Environment

Organic farming and livestock cultivation are better for the environment. There are fewer greenhouse gasses produced, and fewer chemicals, which reduces pollution.

Antibiotics, Hormones, and Animal By-products

Animals that are raised on organic farms are not fed animal by-products [which increase the chance of mad cow disease], nor are they administered antibiotics, which are proven to contribute to the creation of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria that can infect humans, too. Animals raised organically are free from hormones, too, and are raised outdoors, which means they are free to move around and be healthy.  Be sure to look for great options for organic wholesalers as well.


Organic meat is often higher in nutrients. In 2016, a study suggested that organic meat was higher in omega-3 fatty acids by about fifty percent. Milk is also higher in nutrients. If you can get more nutrients from organic meat, then it is more of a reason to begin buying it. In combination with organic fruit and veg, which is also higher in nutrients, you can live a very healthy lifestyle.

With the help of this page, you now hopefully understand why organic meat is far superior to non-organic meat. Having finished this article, you are likely about to rush out and go and invest in organic food. Hey, we don’t blame you!