9 Warning Signs and Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

Periodontitis, also known as gum disease, is a fairly common mouth infection affecting the soft tissues within the mouth. If left untreated, the condition can progress and ultimately disfigure the jawbone. In most cases, many who have it will rarely experience any form of pain,squeezed-up making it paramount to regularly visit a Cutting Edge Periodontist for early diagnosis and treatment. The good news is that periodontitis is almost always treatable when diagnosed early enough. It’s caused by an accumulation of bacteria (from the plague around one’s teeth) and can be avoided by regular flossing and brushing. It’s the number one oral health condition causing tooth loss in most adults, as it can be easy to overlook the mild symptoms it often presents.     

Onset Stage of Periodontitis 

In its onset, it is referred to as gingivitis. The typical sign in this stage is the inflammation of the gums, although it may be accompanied by other symptoms. Gingivitis is often reversible when diagnosed in the early stages and may not lead to periodontitis. 

If left untreated, gingivitis exacerbates and affects the underlying bone where symptoms like pockets between teeth and gums become pronounced. This is usually the confirmation stage of periodontal disease which may yet lead to advanced periodontal disease. Advanced periodontal disease may lead to other health complications if left unmanaged. 

Common Signs and Symptoms

Always being on the lookout for the common signs and symptoms while practicing high standards of oral hygiene plays a crucial role in maintaining your and your family’s oral health and well-being. While one or two of the mentioned symptoms may not be conclusive in diagnosing periodontal disease, being aware and consulting your periodontist matters a lot in the diagnosis process. This is especially important in the case that the disease progresses without symptoms, which is common and may periodically show a symptom or two. Let’s look at some of the most common 9 signs and symptoms.

1. Unexplained Bleeding

Bleeding gums are usually the first indicator of oral health anomalies. It is mostly caused by swollen gums due to tartar buildup or infection due to the bacteria. Conditions like diabetes may worsen the bleeding in people already living with it.

2. Inflammation of the Gums 

This is usually the first stage of the disease, and its diagnosis is crucial for its treatment. It may be accompanied by pain, redness, and sensitivity. At this stage, the progression can be completely stopped if identified before further spread. 

3. Bad Breath or Taste 

Also called halitosis, although it can be caused by other factors like smoking, it is usually a telltale sign of possibly progressing periodontal disease. It usually emanates from decaying remnants of food particles in the pockets between the gums and teeth.  

4. Teeth Appear Longer 

This is caused by receding gums due to the long-term effect of toxins from the bacteria within the plague surrounding the teeth. Tissues and bones around the teeth decay with time, exposing more of the teeth, making them seem longer.   

5. Shifting or Loose Teeth 

Loose and shifting teeth are possible symptoms of advanced periodontitis and may also cause pain when eating. This is often a sign that the bone tissue is wearing out fast, making the teeth less firm. Should the pain persist, it’s highly recommended to get a checkup to discuss possible gum surgery by the cosmetic dentist syracuse ny.

6. Gum Pockets

These are spaces that develop between gums and teeth due to the action of bacteria from the plague. They can be one or several and may worsen over time as old food particles get trapped.  

7. Pus Between Tooth and Gum

Prolonged untreated infection around the gums, tissues, and teeth may cause an accumulation of pus around one or several points. This is a natural effect of the body’s immune system trying to wage war on the infection. 

8. Changes in Bite 

A change in the normal bite position might indicate loose gums due to a possible advancing infection. This might be from one tooth or many depending on the gums affected. This change may also be evident from a slight change in the smile or, in some cases, a feeling of squeezed up teeth. 

9. Changes in Tooth Enamel

The tooth enamel is the top outer layer part of the tooth, bacterial toxins may erode it with time making it appear irregular, and the tooth becomes sensitive to temperature extremities. This might also indicate signs of periodontal disease, although sometimes it might be caused by effects of acid reflux problem or regular excessive vomiting.

Although all the above symptoms may be signs of periodontal disease, it’s always advisable to visit an expert periodontist to have a full diagnosis and treatment. Above all, regular oral hygiene and dental checkups are practices that need to be underscored.

Stages of Periodontitis

Inflammation (Gingivitis)

Gingivitis, an infection of the gums, is the precursor of periodontitis. As you brush or floss your teeth, your gums may bleed, which is one of the early symptoms of gingivitis.

Also, you can observe some tooth discoloration. It is known as plaque. Plaque is a buildup of bacteria and food debris on your teeth. Although there exist germs in your mouth all the time, they only cause problems when their numbers substantially grow. If you do not regularly floss, brush your teeth, or undergo dental cleanings, this might occur.

Early-stage Periodontal Disease

Your gums peel away from your teeth in the early stages of periodontitis, and tiny pockets develop between your gums and teeth. The pockets contain dangerous microorganisms. Your gum tissue begins to erode as your immune system struggles to combat the infection. Also, you can have minor bone loss and bleeding while flossing and cleaning your teeth.

Moderate Periodontitis

You can have bleeding, discomfort, and gum recession if mild periodontal disease is allowed to proceed. Your teeth will start to grow loose and lose their bone support. Moreover, the infection may cause inflammation to spread throughout your body.

Advanced Periodontal Disease

The connective tissue that supports your teeth in place starts to degenerate in severe illness. Your teeth supporting gums, bones, and other tissues are lost. If your periodontitis is advanced, you can have terrible breath, a horrible taste in your mouth, and excruciating discomfort when you chew. Your teeth are prone to fall out.


A dentist or a periodontist can provide treatment. A dentist who focuses on gum disease is called a periodontist. As part of your treatment strategy, a dental hygienist might collaborate with your dentist or periodontist. The purpose of therapy is to completely eliminate the pockets around the teeth and guard against harm to the bone and gum tissue that surrounds them. The best chances for treatment success come from maintaining a regular oral hygiene practice, managing any medical disorders that can affect your dental health, and quitting smoking.

Nonsurgical Treatments

Treatment for periodontitis may entail less intrusive techniques, such as:

  • Scaling. Tartar and bacteria are removed from tooth surfaces and below the gum line during scaling. Instruments, a laser, or an ultrasonic device may be used.
  • Root Planning. The root surfaces are smoothed by root planning. This lessens the chance of germs and tartar accumulating further. Also, it aids in re-attaching your gums to your teeth.
  • Antibiotics. Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics either topically or orally.  Topical antibiotics might take the form of antibiotic mouthwashes or inject antibiotic gel into gum pockets. To eliminate microorganisms that cause illnesses, oral antibiotics may occasionally be required.

Surgical Treatments

If your periodontitis is advanced, you could require dental surgery, such as:

  • Pocket reduction surgery, commonly known as flap surgery. Your periodontist skillfully separates the tissue by making incisions in your gums. This allows for more efficient scaling and root planning by exposing the tooth roots. Periodontitis frequently results in bone loss, thus before the gum tissue is sewn back into place, the underlying bone may need to be remodeled. Cleaning the spaces around your teeth and maintaining healthy gum tissue is simpler once you have recovered.
  • Grafts of soft tissue. Your gumline recedes as a result of gum tissue loss, exposing portions of your tooth roots. Some of the tissue that has been injured may need to be reinforced. A little piece of tissue from the roof of your mouth or tissue from another donor source is often removed for this purpose, and it is then attached to the afflicted area. This can cover exposed roots, stop additional gum loss, and improve the look of your teeth.
  • Grafting of bone. When periodontitis obliterates the bone around your tooth root, this surgery is carried out. Little fragments of your own bone, artificial bone, or donated bone can all be used to create the transplant. The bone transplant keeps your tooth from falling out by supporting it. It acts as a foundation for the formation of normal bone again.
  • Guided tissue generation. This allows bone that has been harmed by bacteria to regenerate. One method involves your dentist sandwiching a specific material between your tooth and the bone that already surrounds it. The substance stops unwelcome tissue from encroaching into the healing region, allowing bone to regrow inside.
  • Proteins that stimulate tissue. Another strategy is coating a sick tooth root with a specific material. This gel encourages the creation of healthy bone and tissue and contains the same proteins that are present in forming tooth enamel.

Lifestyle and Home Remedies

To lessen or avoid periodontitis, use the following strategies:

  • Clean your teeth at least twice daily, ideally after each meal and snack.
  • Replace your toothbrush at least once every three months and make sure it’s gentle.
  • If you want to remove plaque and tartar more effectively, think about using an electric toothbrush.
  • Every day, floss. Use a floss holder if using regular dental floss is difficult. Interdental brushes, water flossers, and other tools for cleaning in between your teeth are further alternatives. What might work best for you may be discussed with your dentist or dental hygienist.
  • If your dentist suggests using mouthwash to help eliminate plaque between your teeth, do so.
  • Get expert dental cleanings on a schedule that your dentist recommends.
  • Avoid smoking and chewing tobacco.

Preparing for your Appointment

Consult your primary dentist first. Your dentist may recommend a periodontist, a specialist in the treatment of periodontal disease, depending on the severity of your periodontitis.

To assist you in getting ready for your appointment here is some information.

What you can do

Make the following list before your appointment:

  • Whatever symptoms you may be having, even those that might not appear connected to the appointment’s purpose
  • Important personal information, including any existing medical problems
  • The dosages of all medications you use, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, herbs, and other dietary supplements
  • Inquiries to make to your dentist

You might ask your dentist the following questions:

  • What is probably the root of my symptoms?
  • Which tests, if any, am I required to take?
  • What course of action is ideal?
  • Will my dental insurance cover the procedures you are suggesting?
  • What alternatives exist to the strategy you’re recommending?
  • Are there any guidelines I have to abide by?
  • What actions can I do at home to maintain the health of my gums and teeth?
  • Can I get some brochures or other printed materials?
  • What websites would you suggest?

Feel free to ask other questions during your appointment.

Your dentist could ask you about things like:

  • When did you initially experience symptoms?
  • Do you always have symptoms or do they come and go?
  • When did you last wash your teeth?
  • Do you floss your teeth? How frequently?
  • You visit the dentist how frequently?
  • What health issues do you have?
  • Which medications are you taking?
  • Do you consume tobacco?

You may make the most of your appointment with the dentist by being prepared with questions.

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