7 Things to Consider Before Getting Married

Are you planning to get married?

There’s nothing like a wedding day. Not only does it make your relationship formal and binding, but it’s a celebration of your love and commitment to the person you’ve chosen to spend your life with.

However, there’s more to the decision than just “when” and “how.” Getting married is a big step and one should never take it lightly.

So if you’re wondering what to consider when it comes to getting married, we’re right there with you. Read on to discover key points to think about as you plan your wedding ceremony.

1. The Legal Implications of Marriage

Under the law, marriage is a legal contract that creates a change in one’s legal status. It includes agreements pertaining to the rights and responsibilities of the couple. These may include things such as taxes, property, and inheritance.

When married, you and your partner will be held responsible for each other’s financial obligations. Some laws also grant certain benefits to spouses who are married, such as the right to visit a partner in the hospital.

Finally, when marriages end, couples must dissolve the contract. You can do this through a divorce or annulment to have their legal status switched back to single.

As can be seen, being married is a serious commitment that impacts many aspects of one’s life. So it is important to be aware of the legal implications of marriage before making the decision to tie the knot.

2. Financial Security

Before getting married, it’s important to make sure that you and your partner feel secure financially. You and your partner need to understand your current and future financial situation and agree on a budget.

Determine who is responsible for certain expenses such as student loans, bills, and rent. Decide how to handle major purchases and who will be responsible for saving and managing money. Take a look at credit scores and consider debt-sharing plans, if necessary.

You should also consider setting up a joint savings account and making an effort to minimize debt. Building a rainy day fund can also help to prevent financial trouble.

Everyone should understand what their partner’s financial expectations are. With the right planning, a financially secure future can be within reach when entering married life.

3. Mutual Expectations

Be honest about what you both expect in a partnership. If there can’t be a compromise on certain topics, perhaps reconsider the need to move forward in the relationship.

Communication and understanding are key. You and your partner should be comfortable discussing expectations, such as establishing roles in the household or contributions to finances.

If expectations cannot be established, it’s better to have a deep discussion before committing to married life. Marriage is a union of two individuals, so agree on how to manage expectations and discuss if and when they need to be remedied.

4. Compatible Family Practices

Beyond ideologies, you have to know if you and your partner come from different countries, religions, or cultures. This is so you can assess expectations with respect to parenting, household roles, and finances.

Do you have the same practices and expectations in which you were raised, or different ones? Are you willing to compromise and come to an agreement on their implementation? Will you be part of family holidays, big events, and important decisions or will that be independent of you?

When making these decisions it is wise to plan on incorporating both your cultures into the fold. You should not exclude anyone over the other. It’s obvious but a lot of couples make their marriage work by compromising on these little decisions that are often taken for granted.

5. Future Plans and Long-Term Goals

Before getting married, it is important to consider potential future plans and long-term goals. How do both of you envision the future? So you have an agreement on the desired number of children to eventually have?

What are you both doing now to achieve future financial goals, such as college savings or retirement investments? Have you had any conversations about career aspirations?

It is also important to consider how both persons will manage stress and handle tough times. What are your rules around communication and resolving conflict? Will either person require support to finalize goals and make use of dreams, such as setting up a business?

Finally, as a couple, you have to have an overall purpose and direction in life. These plans are key to each other’s growth and building a fulfilling marriage.

6. Personal Boundaries

Before getting married, you and your partner need to consider your personal boundaries. Each person’s sense of boundaries should be respected. Intruding into someone’s space, going through personal items, or overriding decisions should not be an acceptable practice.

You need to have conversations to determine where the boundaries are and how best to handle your own or respect the other’s boundaries. You need to respect boundaries for a marriage to be healthy and successful. So you both need to be aware of these boundaries and be open to talking and discussing any marriage issues that arise.

7. Role of Family and Friends

Before getting married it is important to consider the role family and friends will play in the relationship. Discussing the mutual expectations and plans concerning your relationship with your families and friends is important.

If you come from different family backgrounds, you should have a discussion about how often you plan on visiting family members and friends. You should know how often you expect them to visit them. And you should also evaluate how much you plan on relying on family and friends when making major decisions in your marriage.

Consider These Factors Before Getting Married

Before getting married to the person you love, you need to have honest conversations about the topics listed above. This will help you ensure that both of you are on the same page.

Marriage is a lifelong commitment that involves two people that are dedicated to making the relationship work. So take the time to make the necessary inquiry prior to marriage to save yourself from future heartache and strife. If necessary, talk to a marriage counselor to gain the best advice and resources for a fulfilling marriage.

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