7 Steps To Become A DIY Expert

Thanks to the advancement of technology, a multitude of informative videos and websites are available for everyone on numerous platforms, which drastically simplify the process of completing DIY projects.

As the perks of doing DIY have been becoming crystal clear, almost all of us think about doing it sometimes in our daily life. However, there are still obstacles that hinder us from getting right into it, or from pursuing our hobby.

So, have you ever wondered where to start or what to do to become a DIY master?  

This article is here to lead you step-by-step along the 7 stages to get what you want on your DIY path no matter if it is professional or just for fun.

A Brief History of DIY

DIY was not a new phenomenon. Its origin can be traced back to being popular in the 1950s and 60s. Further, records showed that long before the 20th century, people were already interested in practical work at home rather than in the workplace. A book by Joseph Moxon titled Mechanick Exercises is considered the grandfather of all modern DIY manuals. The book was published between 1683 and 1685. Some do-it-yourself manuals include how to be a blacksmith, cast metal, paint, be a carpenter, engrave, print a book, and make a map. It even explained how to make a fixture. 

Gradually, the philosophy of the workplace spread to the home, and “productive leisure” became a trend. Another book by Samuel Smiles in 1859 book “Self Help,” with character and action illustrations,” became a bestseller. It states that learning is one of man’s greatest pleasures and that man must educate himself rather than be provided for by others. 

In the 19th century, DIY came to light in response to the economic struggle due to the population explosion. Doing things was cheaper and pocket friendly instead and paying. It became a necessity rather than a luxury since expensive toys were tailored to be made inside the homes. The economic catastrophe of the 1920s and 1930s prompted many to start making their DIYs at home while incomes dwindled. 

The trend in modern home improvement is to gradually reduce the skills users need by building them into products. This event can be seen in everything from flat-packed furniture to ready-made wallpaper pastes. DIY has been a go-to resort for everyone who wants to save more while savoring the manual skills acquired.

Follow These Steps And Become A Pro DIYer

1. Join DIY Communities:

Social media and forums are the most common platforms where you can effortlessly seek ideas and motivation by reading about others’ experiences, seeing their outcomes, etc.

If you wish, you can ask for tips, and tricks to enhance your skill as well. However, be careful of being overwhelmed by those opinions. Make sure you filter them and just follow the right ones.

2. Make Up Your Mind:

After having wandered around for handy ideas, tips, tricks, and so on, it’s time for you to decide what you want to embark on the most.

You should balance your capability, budget, and your desire. In other words, apart from your excitement for a particular DIY product, remember to consider relevant factors.

3. Assiduously Draw Up A Plan For Your Project:

Having a detailed plan before conducting your project plays a crucial part in saving time and effort and improving the perfection of your work. So below are basic things to take into account:

Estimate the amount of time that needs to be spent on completing the product so that you can arrange your schedule suitably and avoid negatively affecting your main work or routine.

Then, you ought to bear in mind how to specifically complete your task and make a list of what you need to buy or prepare for the whole process.

The more meticulous your plan is, the more labor you can save. For example, you just have to go to the store once or just a few times to buy all the tools instead of hundreds of times due to your forgetfulness.

4. Be Well-Prepared:

Now you have a list of tools and materials needed. But before going straight to shops or stores to buy those, consider environmental factors by looking for chances to reuse, reduce and recycle. Not only does it do wonders for the environment, but also saves you a fortune. Most cities have special home improvement stores that sell or give away reclaimed home improvement items.

Also, pay attention to your workspace: make sure it is spacious enough and improve the lights as well so as to make it an ideal corner of yours.

5. Reinforce Safety:

This is one of the top concerns. Be well-equipped with safety gear such as protective glasses, gloves, boots, masks, or respirators.

You can also keep yourself safe by wisely choosing tools. Qualified devices are needed to stay away from unnecessary and regretful injuries or damage like an electric shock.

If something is new to you, check it out online. For example, it is never a piece of cake when it comes to drilling especially into harsh or fragile materials, so you need to search for tips and instructions to continue. The gurus at drillingadvisor.org can help you on how to easily drill into all types of materials. Don’t put yourself in danger because of laziness or the annoyance of doing research.

6. Don’t Procrastinate And Don’t Give Up:

Nothing seems possible until it is done; therefore, just get right into it without any excuses like a busy schedule or fatigue. You can’t produce an amazing outcome by just sitting still and dreaming of a flawless result.

And once you start your project, try your best to at least finish it by all means. That will eventually become a powerful motivation to keep up with your amazing DIY ideas.

7. Share What You Have Achieved:

“The best way to multiply your happiness is to share it with others”. Hence, sharing your achievements is an outstanding way to encourage not only others who are having a thought of starting to do DIY, but also yourself and make your products much more meaningful.  

Furthermore, it can help you connect with other DIY enthusiasts, which obviously benefits you on your DIY path.

DIY Is A Delight If You Do It In The Right Way

Doing DIY can be beneficial for our lives in many ways. It can boost our creativity, take us out of a sedentary lifestyle, and reduce the cost of furniture or accessories. What is more, it can even lighten up boring lives with a sense of fulfillment.

So it’s worth having a try!

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