6 Steps You Need to Take When Your Car Suddenly Dies on You

Imagine you are driving to work or to pick up your kids from school and all of a sudden, your car dies on you in the middle of the road. This can be a very terrifying feeling especially if you are on a highway or in the middle of a heavy traffic. There are so many reasons why your engine would break down, like faulty battery, running out of fuel, or malfunctioning sensors. Things like that usually happen due to lack of maintenance, this is why you should get your vehicle serviced every year or so. That being said, there are certain steps that you need to take when your car suddenly dies on you. Keep reading to find out what these steps are.

1. Keep Calm and Stay Focused

The first thing that you should do if your car dies on you in the middle of the road is to stay focused, calm, and not panic. There is no denying that this is easier said than done but in a situation like this, where you can be in the middle of traffic and have motorists honking behind you, it is better to maintain your composure to be able to remain in control of it and evaluate the road.

2. Restart Your Car

Once you are calm and focused you should try to restart your vehicle, if it works then you should drive to a repair shop immediately. Even if it seems like it is functioning properly, you should still get it checked out because there is clearly something wrong with it and it may die on you again. However, if your car doesn’t restart then this means that there could be a serious problem, and that will take you to the next step.

3. Move to the Side of the Road

If you restart your car and it doesn’t move then you should move it to the side of the road immediately. Make sure to turn your vehicle’s indicator light on, switch lanes gradually, and avoid swerving so you wouldn’t get in a bad accident. If the reason for the breakdown is the engine then it would be difficult to turn your steering wheel, so you should adapt to the situation and find a way to move your vehicle to the side of the road.

4. Call a Towing Service

Now that you are off the road and feeling calm and safe, you should get help and call a towing service to assist you. It is recommended to have a cheap tow truck near me service number on your phone. They will be handy especially in a situation like this, and according to the car specialists at americanwrecker.net, you should find a service that works 24/7 so they are able to help you at any time of the day. When the towing service arrives, ask them to take your car to a repair shop that you trust so you can get it checked.

5. Turn Warning Lights on

It is very important after you get to the side of the road to turn your emergency flashers on, as this will alert other drivers that your car is immobile so they can proceed with caution. You should also make sure to only turn your hazard light on when you are on the side of the road and not while you are switching lanes as this can confuse other vehicle drivers as to where you are going. Turning your warning lights on will keep you and everyone else on the road safe.

6. Set up an Early Warning Device

You should make sure to have an early warning device in your car and set it up as an extra precaution for other vehicle drivers. This kind of device will make your vehicle visible so other motorists will be able to see it especially if it is nighttime, keeping you and other drivers safe. Some people use flashlights, coolers, or a tree branch as an early warning device, but these will not guarantee your or others’ safety. You should opt for a reflectorized emergency triangle, and make sure to always keep it in your trunk.

Reasons Why Your Car Shuts Off While Driving

Having your car die on you while you are driving is dangerous, and there are many reasons why this can happen. Knowing and learning about why a car may suddenly stop working is essential if you want to fix it and keep driving towards your destination. Here are the most common reasons your car may shut off while driving. 

Faulty Engine Control Unit

A faulty engine control unit is the most common reason a car shuts off. The engine control unit in your vehicle is a computer that collects information from various parts of the car’s internal combustion engine. This is to ensure that everything is working correctly and in an optimal manner for efficiency. However, when this part becomes faulty, there may be sudden drops in power and fuel efficiency. This causes your car to turn off randomly. 

Faulty Alternator

Your car’s alternator is designed to produce a steady stream of electricity from the car’s mechanical energy. It uses this electrical energy to power various electrical parts in the vehicle, such as the stereo, conditioning unit, dash lights, and dome lights, and to charge the battery of the car. 

If your alternator is not doing its job correctly, then your car won’t have enough electrical power it needs. This will cause the car to shut off while you are driving. Your battery also plays an essential role in this scenario. If it is functioning properly, you can use it to drive your car for a little bit without an alternator. However, you won’t know when your car switched from the alternator to the battery. 

Clogged or Faulty Fuel Pump or Fuel System

If your car suddenly dies while driving but then comes back on, it may be because of a bad fuel pump. Car engines are designed to need a precise fuel supply at a time. If it does not get the right amount because the fuel pump cannot pump, the motor will shut off, causing your car to die. 


Having your car die on you is a very unfortunate situation, and sometimes it happens in the worst time like when you are on the way to an important meeting or traveling somewhere. When this happens, you should make sure to remain calm, try to restart the vehicle, move to the side of the road, call a towing truck, turn its hazard lights on, and set up an early warning device. Remember that your first concern should be your and other motorists’ safety.

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