6 Simple Tips To Get Younger Looking Skin

Are you finding that you are looking older each day? Do you want to find a way to make your skin glow like it did when you were younger? Fortunately, there are a few strategies that you can employ to have your skin shining like it once was. You will have to follow a routine to get the most out of everything, but if you are dead set on making yourself look younger, you can definitely achieve it. Here are several simple tips to help get you that younger-looking skin you’ve always been dreaming of. Also, click the link to order the best spray tan solution australia online. 


One of the biggest reasons why your skin looks old is because you are not moisturizing it. Taking the time to moisturize will help give your skin the fluids that it needs to stay healthy. There are plenty of moisturizers out there, it is up to you to find one that works for your skin and your life. If your skin is easily irritated for example and breaks out in blackheads and pimples whenever you moisturize, look into a non-comedogenic moisturizer. This will help give your skin that shine you are looking for without irritating it. It might take some time for you to find the perfect moisturizer for your skin, but if you know what you are looking for, you will be able to find one and get the skin you have always wanted. You can also try premium spray tans for a perfect sunless tanning while keeping your skin healthier and blooming from within. 

There are three common types of moisturizers:

  • Emollients – This type of moisturizer is directly applied to the skin and aims to soothe and hydrate it. Users of emollients usually apply this moisturizer to manage dry, itchy or scaly skin conditions which are commonly found in eczema, psoriasis, and ichthyosis, according to the National Health Service (NHS). Types of emollients include lotions, sprays, creams, ointments, and the like.
  • Humectants – Humectant moisturizers are commonly used for skin and hair products such as in shampoos, lotions, and other beauty products.Humectants help keep the moisture in your skin, helps seal cracks in skin, exfoliates, and removes dead skin. It can benefit all skin types and is typically used after facial wash. 
  • Occlusives – Occlusive moisturizers protect the skin from external irritants by serving as a physical barrier to help prevent water loss from the surface of your skin. Using this kind of moisturizer helps your skin to retain moisture, reduce irritation and skin barrier restoration.


The next thing you should be doing with your skin is exfoliating it. Often, the top layer of our skin is full of dirt, grime, and dead skin cells. All of this can take away that shin and youthfulness that we are looking for. To counteract that, look to exfoliate your skin every few days. This will remove that whole top layer of skin, getting rid of all the dead skin cells and grime that has built up. Exfoliating is not a painful process either, so don’t worry about the skin you are going to be losing. It should be noted however that you should not be exfoliating every day, instead elect to do it every few days. By taking the time to exfoliate, your skin will radiate and you will be reminded of how you used to look when you were younger.

Here are some important reminders to prevent skin damage while exfoliating, as recommended by dermatologists:

  • Check your skin-care products you’re using. Exfoliating while using products that make your skin more sensitive might worsen your dry skin and acne breakouts. 
  • Exfoliate based on your skin-type. Sensitive or acne-prone skin may opt to use washcloth and a mild exfoliating products. Meanwhile, oily and thicker skin may choose to utilize stronger treatments. Although, one must avoid strong chemical exfoliators if one has darker skin tone since this may only cause dark spots on the skin. 
  • Be gentle. Mechanical exfoliation or the use of scrub and other strong chemicals might result in more complications.
  • Apply moisturizer. Exfoliating may result in skin dryness. To keep your skin hydrated, apply a moisturizer after exfoliating.


While exfoliating is great for removing that dead layer of skin and some of the grime, it won’t be able to get all of it, especially when the dirt is deep down within the skin. Getting yourself a good cleanser will help to remove any layer of sweat, oils, sebum, and even makeup that has accumulated on your face throughout the day. Just like the other products, you will find that certain cleaners will irritate your skin while others won’t do anything at all. Find a product that works for your skin as that is the best way to guarantee good results and younger-looking skin.

Here are common type cleansers to choose from:

  • Gel Cleansers – Gel cleansers are good for oily and acne-prone skin. It has a gel-like texture with deep-cleaning and exfoliating properties.
  • Cream Cleansers – Cream cleansers are thicker and have moisturizing qualities. It can cleanse without stripping your skin with its natural oils, suitable for dry and sensitive skin. 
  • Foam cleansers – Foam cleansers are ideal for combination skin. Many prefer to use this since it can remove excess oil the same as gel cleansers. It’s a lightweight solution creating a foamy lather when applied in a wet face.

Protect Yourself From the Sun

People don’t realize this, but exposing your skin to the sun and getting tans can damage your skin and cause premature aging. How can you prevent this? Whenever you are going out into the sun, especially if you plan on tanning, ensure that you are wearing at least SPF 30 sunscreen. This might affect how dark you can get your tan, but it is definitely worth it for the health and youthfulness of your skin. Is getting dark really worth having your skin age much sooner than normal?

Stay Hydrated

It may be a bit too simple but many people tend to overlook this. Staying hydrated actually helps your skin glow more than usual. Drinking enough water will save your skin from developing blemishes, wrinkles, and acne. The best way to achieve that glowing skin is to drink water before sleeping as it makes your skin soft and supple when you wake up.

Eat Healthy

Another huge area that affects the health of your skin is your diet. If you eat high amounts of sugars or greasy food, you might find yourself breaking out with pimples more frequently than others. Take the time to look at your diet and make any changes. If you stick to a healthy diet, you will find in about a month or so your skin will start to be free of blemishes. 

Stop Smoking

Finally, if you want your skin to look young and you want it to stay healthy, you are going to have to quit smoking. Smoking causes your skin to discolor, wrinkle, and even start aging prematurely. If you want to have young-looking skin but you smoke, you are going to have to make a tough decision here.

These are all simple ways that you can improve the health of your skin and have it look that much younger. When it comes to keeping your skin looking young, it is all about living a healthy lifestyle and applying the right products. You can visit any good skin clinic to know which products suit your skin the most and follow the advice.  This is a great time to make drastic changes in your life. How do you plan on getting younger-looking skin?

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