5 Tips to preventing domestic violence

We have heard countless horror stories in the news and media pertaining to domestic violence. For a lot of victims out there who have just talked about their experience, it is important that something needs to be done to make it not happen again. Thankfully, more and more people today are breaking the silence and are already starting to talk about it which leads to more victims to be more confident in talking about it. A lot of people tend to hide in the shadows because they are afraid to be judged but it is important that we recognize this immediately to help prevent even more domestic violence – not just in our community but over the world.

Here are five tips for preventing domestic violence.

1. Know the warning signs

Anyone can be a victim of domestic violence – regardless of age, gender, race, status quo, and more. Sometimes, it may not happen immediately at the start of a relationship, but you will generally see some warning signs and red flags at the start so you have to be wary about it. This could be embarrassing or shaming you, discouraging you to do what you want with your life, controlling your finances, or preventing you from working. These are bad signs that can potentially lead to domestic violence. Know these signs very well to prevent anything from happening.

2. Seek legal and professional help

When you see the warning signs and you can ultimately see that you or someone you know can be a victim of domestic violence, make sure to immediately ask for help. Ask for a guide from the law firm Anaya McKedy. It is important that you have all the help you need in this matter so your rights are protected. If you know someone who is potentially a victim of domestic violence, make sure to be with them and help them seek legal help.  

3. Offer support

Victims often do not talk about their experience because they are scared of not getting any support. Be there and show that you are willing to help. Encourage the victim to call the police or a local shelter. Show that you are there when they need you so that they will not be scared to ask for help. In this matter, it is important that everyone is proactive in showing their help and support before anything happens.

Stopping Domestic Violence: How a Community Can Prevent Spousal Abuse

It’s not always that you are a victim of abuse, sometimes people around you are victims and you can be a source of help and light for them. This book is a preventive measure to stop spousal abuse in the community and society. It talks about how people can collaborate with social service agencies, NGOs and women centres to initiate and run domestic violence programs, give awareness on physical and mental health and different laws that support domestic violence victims.

4. Believe and listen to the victim

If someone confides to you about domestic abuse, believe them and make sure that you listen. Don’t question them and make sure you make the appropriate actions that will help determine the victim’s fate. It may not be your place to determine exactly what is going on, but you must advocate ending domestic violence.

5. Know the helpline numbers

Problems don’t inform and come, they arise uninvited, creating panic and anxiety. You never know when and where who is suffering from domestic violence. Be aware of the important numbers to call so that you can take action for someone who needs your help in the tough times.

6. Educate your children

As parents, especially mothers, it is your righteous duty to educate your children, both girls and boys about domestic violence and abuse. Explain to them the signs of abuse and help them learn how to build healthy and empathic relationships with their spouse. Remember, education and nurturing has to start from an early age before they have built stronger habits and behaviors.

The Teen Relationship Workbook: For Professionals Helping Teens to Develop Healthy Relationships and Prevent Domestic Violence

This book is a guide for parents and professionals to learn how teenagers develop healthy relationships. It pens down the characteristics of a healthy and unhealthy relationship, identifies the causes of emotional, sexual and physical abuse and helps individuals evaluate their own behavior.

7. Get the word out

You don’t have to be in an actual scene to help. You can spread the word about any efforts in your community that raise awareness about domestic violence. Social media is such a powerful tool today. Make use of it to help a lot of people out there. Sometimes, you can put forward your message through a silent yet strong way. For instance, you can also give your colleagues, friends and family members’ giveaways with captions that remind them about domestic violence.

Domestic Violence Coffee Mug Gift

I find this gift not only reasonable and useful but also unique and meaningful. You can give it to your friends, mom, sister, work colleagues or even brother and father on important days. Imagine the impact on someone who is having tea or coffee twice/thrice a day and reading this message. Even if they aren’t involved in abuse and violence, they will know that it’s wrong and needs to be stopped.

8. Say no to violence

Media is very wisely shaping society and putting across subliminal messages in our minds. Whenever you see a scenario where it supports and justifies domestic violence; speak against it and put your message out in the world. Use your power as a customer, as a citizen and say no to domestic violence whenever you see it on television, internet or radio.

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