5 Energy-Boosting Tips & Tricks for Supermoms On the Go

Although most employers wouldn’t consider motherhood a resume-building experience, the time-consuming and emotionally-taxing nature of motherhood gives professional business people’s weekdays a run for their money. Between school project all-nighters, seemingly endless runny noses, and complex, varying schedules, being a mom is no walk in the park.

Motherhood is an energy-depleting, life-long position that requires unmatched mental and physical stamina. Running on fumes is an everyday occurrence for stay-at-home and working moms al ike, many of whom are bouncing from dance to soccer to band practice while coordinating PTA fundraisers and answering urgent work emails. Mothers from all walks of life can agree they lag behind their childless counterparts in the energy department. The good news is that for every headache-heavy and fatigued-filled day, there are a variety of simple, mom-approved tips and tricks to minimize chaos and maximize your limited energy levels. Many Moms find supplements helpful, especially those that help boost cellular senescence.

What Makes a Mother Exhausted?

A lack of sleep, an unhealthy diet, the absence of breaks, and a disregard for the significance of obtaining adequate amounts of rest and energy all contribute to this problem. This can result in a buildup of stress, which can cause you to feel incredibly depleted of energy. The longer this goes on, the more likely it is that this will happen. It is challenging to maintain one’s concentration and output daily when one does not have the necessary amount of energy. There are a variety of different things you may do to kick-start the process of feeling more energy again.

1. Take a daily supplement

Are you caught up in the chaos of motherhood with no tangible end in sight? Integrating daily dietary supplements could be the solution you’ve been searching for. Supplements work quickly and efficiently, balancing hard-to-maintain bodily systems and encouraging cell turnover for happier, healthier moms.

Mixhers supplements, for example, offer a unique product line, featuring Herpower, an energy-boosting and brain-fueling powder that promises maximized productivity. Other fatigue-fighting vitamins include vitamin B12 and iron, which spike energy levels and alleviate chronic fatigue symptoms.

Are you having difficulties getting consistent, restful shut-eye with three squirming children monopolizing space in your queen-size bed? Try melatonin before bedtime to encourage deep sleep and optimize every second of those precious bedtime hours.

2. Avoid processed sugar

Have you fallen victim to child-induced fatigue, joining the growing epidemic of tired, overworked moms? Try cutting processed sugars out of your diet to avoid unexpected, inconvenient energy crashes.

Although this solution may upset your sweet-tooth, your half-functioning brain and exhausted body will rejoice as you swap sugary-sweets out for healthier options, like proteins. Have a picky eater or vegetarian to cater to? Invest in a daily protein powder that can add to smoothies for a quick, healthy, to-go meal.

3. Set aside “me” time

Motherhood and me-time aren’t usually allies, given that moms sprint from place to place, organizing untidy playrooms, deescalating daily bickering matches, and sweeping up messes made by their children, or worse—their husbands.

Although a rarity, intentional alone time is imperative for mothers looking to maintain mental health and increase energy. Increased anxiety and stress levels can lead to chronic fatigue or even debilitating energy drops, which means preserving emotional health is critical for overwhelmed mothers. Allow yourself some alone time, indulge in daily meditation, or read a sensual book to increase your pleasure, relax your mind, and refresh your body for the new day.

4. Drink enough water

Although it may seem obvious, it’s important to note water intake directly affects energy levels and overall health. Dehydration thickens the blood in your body, causing your central nervous system to become overworked as it struggles to push thick, H20-deficient liquids to the finish line.

Without adequate hydration, tasks like walking, concentrating, or standing too quickly can overload your system and cause lightheadedness, headaches, and sudden, unpredictable fatigue. Try tracking your water intake daily to ensure ample water consumption and maximize energy production throughout your soccer-game-packed days.

5. Get Enough Sleep

Restorative sleep is essential to our well-being, energy, and life. When we sleep, our bodies can restore, repair, and replenish themselves, which makes it possible for a variety of bodily processes, including detoxification, hormone balancing, and digestion, to take place. 

The majority of people aren’t getting anywhere near enough sleep, let alone enough restorative sleep, even though the average adult needs between 7-9 hours of sleep each night. The fact that many of my customers report feeling just as exhausted when they wake up as they did when they went to bed is, on its own, cause for some degree of concern.

There are a few straightforward steps that, if taken, could improve the quality of your sleep. These include limiting your exposure to screens in the evening, maintaining a consistent bedtime and wake time, minimizing or eliminating your consumption of alcohol and caffeine, and developing a bedtime routine for yourself, just as you probably do for your children.

More Energy-Boosting Tips and Tricks for Supermoms on the Go

Take Steps to Deal with Stress

It is exhausting to manage a family, the household chores, the work obligations, the deadlines, the finances, the strains on relationships, and the never-ending list of things to do. It causes you to feel tense, anxious, and possibly even depressed to the point of being on the verge. Not only will properly managing the effects of this on your body do wonders for your energy levels, but it will also do wonders for your overall well-being. 

The inevitability of many of life’s sources of stress makes effective stress management a challenging endeavor for supermoms. However, there are ways to keep stress under control. Incorporating a restorative practice into your daily routine, such as yoga and meditation can be just as beneficial for reducing the physical effects of stress on the body as deep, diaphragmatic breathing.

Take ten slow, deep breaths in through the nose several times throughout the day, focusing on filling and expanding the belly. After a brief pause, release the breath gradually while doing so through the mouth rather than the nose. Continue doing this for ten breaths, focusing on making each inhale and exhale as long and slow as possible. The more practice you put into diaphragmatic breathing, the simpler it will get, and the sooner you’ll be able to feel the effects of it on your stress levels.

Do Not Skip Breakfast and Healthy Foods

People who begin their day with a healthy breakfast can maintain their energy levels throughout the day. The ideal breakfast consists of a meal that can be prepared in a short amount of time, has a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fat, and is easy to digest. 

Also, eating good things will offer supermoms more of an energy boost than eating bad foods. Make sure that the majority of your diet consists of fruits, vegetables, and grains that are whole. Eating healthier meals and snacks is one of the first things you can do to start feeling more energy, and it’s also one of the easiest things you can do. Consuming the correct kinds of food can help alleviate feelings of tension and anxiety in addition to boosting your general energy levels. This can be accomplished by improving your diet. Incorporate items like fish, nuts, seeds, eggs, and green vegetables into your regular diet.

When it comes to preparing and consuming nutritious meals, it is essential to remember to put less pressure on oneself. When trying to decide what to eat, you shouldn’t place too much pressure on yourself to make the right choice. Consuming nutritious food does not have to be a laborious or time-consuming procedure. You’ll be able to tell a significant change in your energy level depending on how well you eat.


A more active lifestyle will not only improve your health and reduce the size of your waistline, but it will also increase the amount of energy you have. The more we move around and engage in physical activity, the more our energy levels will improve. Being physically active does not have to feel like a chore, nor does it have to consume a significant amount of your time. 

Find activities that you enjoy doing and make them part of your workout routine. It will help you stay motivated and increase the likelihood that you will do it. Exercising can be accomplished in a variety of ways, including by dancing, kicking a football, riding bicycles, and bouncing on trampolines. When you maintain your movement routine, you will maximize the benefits that you receive from it. Participate in a variety of activities throughout the course of the day. That is preferable to working out for only an hour in the morning and then spending the rest of the day sedentary.

If you find yourself sitting for long periods, try to get up and move around at least once every hour for three to five minutes. Move around, maybe even do some sprints up and down some stairs.

Mental Health Care

It’s crucial to remember to take care of one’s mental health while attempting to increase your energy. You continually balance so many various tasks as an exhausted mother. At times, you could feel overburdened and under a lot of stress. These are common emotions, but if they aren’t controlled, they sometimes turn into problems.

You should speak with your doctor if your mental health isn’t what it should be. Your mental health can be supported and improved by several types of therapy. Each has its advantages and can be a terrific tool to help you feel more energized, including therapy, group classes, and counseling sessions. Take some time by yourself when you are feeling stressed out to breathe some fresh air, unwind, and recharge. Take a hot bath, indulge in some reading, or simply doze off. Self-care does not need to be difficult.

Be Organized

It can be exhausting to live in a disorganized home. Organize your home and declutter your space by devoting some time each day to this project. When you are a stay-at-home mom, keeping yourself organized might be difficult, but it is essential to make time for yourself. Keeping a home neat can be very therapeutic for some mothers. If you want to feel more energized, look into methods that will help you organize and tidy your home.

Final word

Moms are overworked and underappreciated. Between childcare, household duties, financial responsibilities, and spousal obligations, working and stay-at-home moms alike are struggling to stay afloat during these turbulent times. Maximize the limited time you have by taking daily energy-boosting supplements, avoiding processed sugars, prioritizing periods of self-care, and hydrating on the go. That way, you can take one step closer to the super-mom hall-of-fame.


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