4 Must-Have Gardening Tools Every Home Needs

In one’s garden there is always some work to do, nevermind the season and the size of it.

Digging up the soil, preparing the seedlings, protecting the plants from the weather and pruning are regular responsibilities every gardener knows well of.

If you’re a novice, a hobbyist, or a professional ace, you would want the best and most useful, practical tools that will ease up or speed up gardening.

Abundance, or not?

If you’ve ever walked in the gardening section of any home store, you must’ve felt overpowered by the vast array of so many different tools, utilities, and colors to choose from.. especially if you’re looking to start your first garden. Where to start from and which are the best, you start to think.

Having great tools is important, yes, but that doesn’t mean you need the latest and finest, or that you need a purchase of a whole new set of tools every season. Purposefully, and luckily, Know It All Learning has put together product reviews, guides, and tips for a wide range of garden and DIY jobs around it. From best garden hoses, lawn sweepers to electrical lawnmowers and string trimmers, they’ve got you covered.

Nonetheless, there are a handful of tools that almost all gardeners need, and they’re a good place to start.

Pick up these four essentials, and you’ll be ready to make your garden bloom.

But First – Gloves

Before you start working around the garden, you will need to protect your hands from mud, dirt, thorns and thistles, blisters or chemicals, and to keep your hands warm and dry, also.

Consider your specific needs before you buy gloves – what kind of gardening are you going to do and at what time of the year. For sowing seeds and weeding you will need light-duty gloves, from material like TPR or suede. Slightly harder work as potting or pruning requests medium-duty gloves made from linen, bamboo, or nylon. But if you are planning on intensive jobs like landscaping, digging, and mowing, you will need leather (or PU), latex, or elastane. 

Make sure to have a pair of waterproof gloves as well because gardening can really be wet and muddy work.

Hand Trowel

When it comes to planting or digging up stodgy weeds, a hand trowel is crucial.

You can’t really go wrong with a choice – it needs to be durable and up to the job. 

Although potting scoops, hand forks, and a rake have similar functions, a trowel is much more practical for specific types of jobs that are designed for one-hand – breaking up the soil, making small holes, mixing fertilizers and other additives, and transporting plants to containers or pots.

Secateurs Vs. Pruners

Whatever you call them, these scissors-type tools you’ll find yourself using the most. No matter what you’re doing in the garden, eventually, you’ll come across plants that need cutting to improve shape and growth.

Different sizes or lengths are based on the thickness of the plants, stems, and branches, and you want to purchase a quality, sharp pair. If you secure them from breaking (if you force them to cut logs, for example!) and blunting, these clippers will have a cutting power for an amazingly long period.


This garden utensil is used to collect leaves, hay, grass and for loosening the soil, light weeding and leveling soil for planting, removing dead grass from lawns, spreading mulch, gravel, sand, and compost, and removing heavy debris.

While handles are usually made from wood or metal, the “teeth” or tines are traditionally made of iron or wood also (nowadays plastic, bamboo, or steel are used). Rakes made from stainless steel and aluminum are easier to keep from rust and are both stable, lightweight, and durable. You can find a great selection of gardening tools at Botanex

Shovel (or Spade?)

What’s the difference? Shovels have wider, flatter blades meant for lifting and moving heavy things such as gravel and dirt, while spades are best for breaking up dirt and digging because of their angled and pointed blades. 

Whether you need to dig a hole for planting trees and shrubs or slicing through tough root systems, the point is that you would want one of each although they, at the bottom, have similar functionality. Whichever option you go with, make sure it has a comfortable and ergonomic design, in addition to a sharp cutting edge and strong handle.

Even if you choose gardening utensils with a wooden or plastic hand, keep them clean and store them in a dry place to prevent rusting.

Factors To Consider While Buying Gardening Tools

Gardening can only be a fun practice when you have the right tools and equipment that ensure safety and reduced labor. So, here is a guideline to help you decide on the best gardening tools for your day-to-day use.

1. Always Prioritise Quality Over Price

You may find gardening tools in different price range, making it harder for a buyer to choose. However, you should always look for quality tools rather than cheaper ones. Usually, low-quality equipment might be light on the pocket but they are more likely to break easily and are uncomfortable to use.

It is suggested to buy gardening tools from a local hardware shop where you are allowed to check the items personally for any kind of dents, cracks, or damages. Remember that investing in durable gardening tools is worthwhile and can save you money in the long run.

2. Select the Material For The Handle Wisely

Another factor to keep in mind while choosing garden tools for yourself should be their handles. The type of handle material can make a lot of difference in terms of weight and durability of the equipment.

Here are a few types of handle materials that you may find commonly. 

  • Wood – it is considered a perfect option when it comes to gardening tools’ handles. It is flexible, strong, and durable if used properly. 
  • Plastic – this material tends to break easily and doesn’t offer the best grip.
  • Aluminium – it makes the tools light in weight, but the material is not durable. 
  • Carbon fiber – Strong material type, lightweight and offers a decent grip.
  • Fibreglass – this material is easy to break and may not last you long.
  • Forged steel – these handles are the strongest, easy to clean, and lightweight. Their durability is high as well.

How To Make Gardening Tools Last Long?

Even if the gardening tools are easy to clean, if they are not properly maintained, then it can damage them easily. For example: placing the tool back in the storage box after use and without wiping can make it rusty and eventually less efficient. 

Where to Buy Gardening Equipment?

Buying gardening tools online is a convenient yet risky option that wouldn’t allow you to hold the product for quality check. Hence, it is highly suggested to buy garden equipment from a gardening store or local hardware shop. The shopkeeper can also guide you well about the product and recommend some good options, matching your requirements. 


Nowadays, there are a lot of gardening tools prevailing in the market to reduce your time and effort in the garden. However, that doesn’t mean you will need dozens of tools for the purpose as only a couple of them will suffice. 

Make your gardening time fun and enjoyable by investing in the right type of tools that are lightweight, durable, and efficient. Happy Gardening! 

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