4 Benefits of Quitting Alcohol

Many people look forward to dry January to kick off the New Year alcohol free. But while abstaining from alcohol may seem trendy, there are several health benefits of staying away from the bottle. These benefits can vary from person to person depending on the magnitude of change. So, what happens when you stop drinking alcohol?

1. Improved Overall Health

Not only does alcohol damage your health, but when you drink you also tend to make unhealthy life choices. Quitting alcohol has a positive impact on weight and overall cardiovascular health. There are also long-term benefits in reducing the risk of cancer, liver disease, improving the immune system and heart health.

If you suffer from social anxiety you may be taking alcohol to get you through social situations. But you should remember that what happens when you stop drinking alcohol is by far more beneficial in the short and long-term. Are you ready to stop drinking? One of the ways you can start experiencing the benefits of not taking alcohol is by having alcohol-free days.

2. Improved Energy Levels and Sleep

When you stop drinking one of the things you’ll notice are increased energy levels. Drinking regularly can affect the quality of your sleep making you tired and sluggish. This is because drinking disrupts the two most important parts of sleep; The Slow Wave Sleep which is the most physically refreshing and REM sleep the part that is crucial for learning and remembering. When you quit alcohol it’s not only the quality of your sleep that improves, but you also become more alert.

3. Great for Your Weight and Fitness

A pint of beer and a slice of pizza have the same amount of calories. Alcoholic beverages contain loads of empty calories, hence your body doesn’t derive any nutritional value from them. Consuming alcohol also reduces the amount of fat your body converts to energy. It’s easier for you to maintain a healthy weight when you stop drinking.

When it comes to athletic performance, alcohol has a negative impact on your motor skills, hydration and muscle recovery. Consuming alcohol after workouts can aggravate muscle soreness by increasing soreness and slowing recovery. Alcohol can make it difficult for you to experience any progress in training because it has a negative impact on body composition and muscle recovery.

4. Better for Your Skin

From sleeping with your makeup on after having one too many, to eye bags due to poor sleep and dehydration. Alcohol has gained a bad reputation on matters of skin and beauty.

Alcohol increases blood flow and causes blood vessels under your skin to dilate. This causes your skin to appear red and blotchy. It can also cause your face to become puffy when fluid leaks from your blood vessels.

It also has a dehydrating effect which can cause dry patches on your skin. The sugar in alcohol also has aging effects, because it causes the collagen in your skin to break down which causes you to age faster by slowing down cell renewal.

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