3 Technologies That Keep Your Home Safe

These days, you can never be too safe. One place you should never have to worry about your well-being is your home. Keep your home a sanctuary from the outside world by utilizing the following technologies designed to keep you safe.

Smart Fire Detectors

The National Fire Protection Association estimates there were 352,000 fires in the United States in 2016, which caused 2,735 deaths and $5.7 billion in damages. While some of these fires were not preventable, many could have been avoided with the use of a smart fire detector. These go above and beyond the standard beeping alarm you probably have in your home today.

These modernized alarm systems use photoelectric sensors to detect even the slightest hint of smoke in the air. Because they are connected to the internet, they can then send you an alarm via your mobile phone if a fire is detected. If you know the alarm is false, you can silence it with just a few taps on the app. Best of all, you’ll get push notifications when the batteries are low, so no more annoying beeps all night.  Also be sure to check out ph el & sikring as well.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Image via Flickr by CORGI HomePlan

If your smoke detector doesn’t have carbon monoxide detecting capabilities, you’ll need to install a separate carbon monoxide detector. Unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning kills an average of 430 people per year, so this is definitely not a protection to skip. Because carbon monoxide doesn’t have a taste, color, or smell, many people don’t realize they have a buildup of the deadly gas until it is too late.  Also, please note, both animals and babies are much more sensitive to carbon monoxide.

When looking for a carbon monoxide detector, choose a model that comes with an electrochemical sensor, as these are the most powerful. Just like smart fire detectors, smart carbon monoxide devices can also send alerts to your phone when levels get too high in your home. Many even make a verbal announcement to alert people in the room (which is far better than a shrill alarm). Most connect to other smart home products, like the smart thermostat for your HVAC system or your home security system, for full compatibility.

Home Security Systems

In addition to protecting your home from internal dangers, you also need to think about external dangers, like burglars or vandals. There were 3.7 million household burglaries in the United States between 2003 to 2007, meaning that there’s always a risk your home could be next.

There’s a lot to consider for a smart home security system, from smart doorbells to smart locks to smart cameras. Basically, it all comes down to how much protection you think you need. Smart doorbells let you see live video of who is ringing your bell, while smart locks give you the capability to lock your windows and doors while you’re on the go. As for smart cameras, these turn on whenever they detect movement and allow you to live stream the video to see if an intruder is lurking.

Luckily, many home security companies let you personalize the installation process to find a system that meets your exact needs.

These are just a few of the emerging technologies that can keep your home safe. They go above and beyond archaic systems by providing real-time alerts wherever you are in the world.

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