3 Biggest Considerations to Remember When Buying Australian Baths

Australia has some of the most expensive real estate markets in the world. But despite the high costs of real estate properties, reports revealed that over 446,000 houses are sold all over the country. A total of 64,596 dwelling units were also built in Australia as of June 2021. Those who choose to have their abodes built from scratch are often hands-on in selecting all home components. For example, they would go out of their way to look for Australian baths for sale to ensure that the bathroom at home fits their standards. 

When shopping for the perfect baths for your home, you need to look for features that benefit everyone who uses it. But since there are plenty of Australian baths available in the market, it is easy to become overwhelmed when faced with a wide range of choices. So here are several considerations you must keep in mind when buying baths for your homes. 

Tip #1: Choose a Bathtub Style 

You can pick among the myriad of styles when shopping for Australian baths for sale for your home. Each one comes in different material and space occupied. 

The amount of space the baths can occupy will mainly depend on the style you want to achieve. Some of the most common types you can find in Australian bathroom fixture stores include: 

  • Regular baths – This classic look features a widely popular design from the 1800s. But instead of the turn-of-the-century design with clawfoot features, the regular baths now have a sleeker, more uniform look. 
  • Freestanding baths – Another popular design of baths available in the market is the freestanding baths. Australian homeowners choose this style because it fits perfectly in any space. 
  • Clawfoot – If you want to achieve a romantic and traditional bathroom design, you can choose to invest in clawfoot baths. It usually comes with four legs or “claws” on the bottom of the tub. 
  • Oval baths – Smaller spaces can benefit from this style of bath. It does not come with corners or edges, making it perfect for achieving a minimalist look for your bathroom. 

Other popular bathtub styles include angled baths, alcove baths, under-mount/drop-in baths, and soaking/Japanese-style baths.  

Tip #2: Pick the Right Material 

The material used to create the bath can affect its durability and maintenance requirements. It can also affect the weight of the bathroom fixture.

Some of the most popular bathtub material choices include: 

  • Acrylic – This is the best option if you want an easy-to-maintain and affordable bath. These baths are often versatile and durable. However, you must still be extra cautious when scrubbing it to avoid scratches. 
  • Steel – It is one of the most long-lasting materials for a bathtub. It is lighter than cast iron tubs and more affordable. 
  • Cast iron -It is a common material used for freestanding baths. It is durable and easy to maintain. It also holds heat better than other materials. 

Tip #3: Consider Your Lifestyle 

It is crucial to think about the needs of everyone in your household when picking the best bathtub for your home. 

For example, you may consider larger bathtubs if your family has above average body size. However, if you need to share it with your kids, you need to pick a vertically short bath to allow them to slip comfortably by themselves. You can also choose a tub with rails if older people use it. 

Buying tubs in Australia does not have to be challenging. You only need to look for the best option that will serve its purpose for everyone in your household. Of course, it is also best to buy the best bath from reputable stores in the country. 

Author: Alison Lurie

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