10 Lifestyle Changes to Make This New Year

2022 has quickly approached, and like many individuals across the world, you’ve probably started to create a few new year resolutions to help improve your overall health and wellbeing.

The trick to stick to them is to make lifestyle changes that are significant but easy to implement. With time, they should flow and become a part of your daily routine.

Want to learn more? Below, we will talk about ten lifestyle changes that you can make this new year.

Let’s get started!

Set yourself achievable goals

Resolutions can also be considered goals, but you aren’t going to see them through unless you document them and make sure that they are achievable. Some things will always be too good to be true, and you want to be able to stay motivated.

Try and follow the SMART guidelines when you’re creating your list. These include:

S = Specific

M = Measurable

A = Attainable

R = Realistic

T = Time-Bound

You might also consider using some of these goal tracking apps to monitor your progress.

Improve your diet

While this is something everyone aims to do each year, it still deserves a spot on this list. We could all make better improvements to our diet, and healthy eating is essential to our wellbeing.

Alongside making apparent changes, such as limiting unhealthy food, you can also choose to start somewhere smaller. Going on an extreme diet can sometimes lead to early failure.

It could be something as simple as changing where you buy your food. Check out good earth utah, for example. They have a great range of natural groceries and supplements to help you feel your best.

Drink more water

Again, we all know that staying hydrated is essential. But still, many of us don’t actually drink the recommended amount every day. Women should consume around 2.7 liters, and men, even more, at 3.7 liters.

If you’re not a fan of drinking water, there are some things you can try to increase your intake. Some of which include:

  • Adding fruit or flavor to your water.
  • Diluting sugary drinks.
  • Eating water-rich foods.
  • Using a marked water bottle with measurements.
  • Setting a drinking schedule.

Track your thoughts

Monitoring our mental health is important, and one of the best ways to do that is by tracking your thoughts. Journaling has many proven benefits, such as reducing anxiety and stress, aiding inspiration, and even helping you gain self-confidence.

To get started, try sitting down for a least five minutes every day. Even just a few sentences can get your creativity flowing and help relax your mind.

Exercise on a regular basis

Just like healthy eating, exercise is another resolution that many people usually include on their list. Instead of making it overbearing, begin slowly and introduce a range of different activities.

Often, you don’t need to hit the gym to get the recommended amount of exercise. Go for a nice walk, head for a swim at your local pool, or try dancing to your favorite music. Even something as simple as taking the stairs helps get your blood pumping.

Get more sleep

Sleep is vital for many different reasons. Not only does it allow our body to recharge and heal, but it gives our brain an opportunity to store new information.

According to the American Sleep Association, at least 30% of adults experience short-term insomnia, with about 10% having it long-term. Some of the biggest causes for this include stress, anxiety, noise, temperature, and alcohol/drugs/caffeine.

You can find some tips to help you sleep better at night (as well as some things that you should avoid) here.

Find a new passion

Part of being human is enjoying a new challenge. Now that we have rolled into the new year, it’s a great time to find a new passion or something that you can learn how to do.

You might try and pick up a musical instrument, discover a new language, or learn an exciting craft. There are so many great options out there, and who knows, you may even find your new favorite hobby.

Get rid of bad money habits

Managing and handling money is easier said than done, but now can be an excellent time to try and get rid of your bad habits. With a few changes, you could potentially save an incredible amount by the time that 2023 arrives.

Aim to pay off debt, get rid of credit cards, and set up a regular saving schedule based on your budget. It might not be easy, but it will be worth it.

Share love and support with others

Do you donate to charity? Or volunteer your free time at a local animal shelter? Giving back to those in need isn’t just rewarding but can help you learn more about yourself at the same time.

So, if you’re able, don’t be scared to sign up to community events and dedicate a little of your income to a charity you wish to support. You would be amazed at the connections you can make.

Plan some extra “me time.”

Finally, one change that you should look forward to is planning a little extra time alone. We all deserve to be spoiled, and getting to enjoy the fun things in life is just as important as everything we mentioned above.

Take that bubble bath, go on a shopping trip, or binge-watch some episodes of your favorite show. Yes, you do need to balance responsibilities, but you also want to live your life without regrets.

Final words

And that’s it! These were ten lifestyle changes that you should aim to make this year. While there will be bumps in the road, by planning ahead and taking things one by one, you can keep motivated.

Just try and picture how great you will feel in a few months’ time once your body has adapted to your new habits. After all of your hard work, you’ll be a happier and healthier human.

Good luck!


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