What to do when you have been friend-zoned?

At some point, you might start liking someone you known in a romantic sense. However, the other person may not feel quite the same way—they do want to stay friends with you, though. This is what is called friend-zoning.

When you have been friend-zoned by someone, it is quite natural to feel disappointed and even rejected. Many people who have faced such circumstances might react in unhealthy ways and even feel resentment towards the other person. The hard truth is that we can’t really control the way others feel (and vice versa), so it might be time to just suck it up and accept the situation. 

However, there are some things that you can do in order to get out of the friend zone.

Find The Right Time To Talk

First and foremost, it is important to talk to the person and find out why they view your relationship in such a way. Sometimes, it could just be a misunderstanding and once it has been clarified, things might go back to normal or even work out the way you want them to. 

For this  purpose, it’s important to find a suitable time to talk for both of you. You don’t want to ambush them or insist on them talking when they’re busy or simply don’t want to discuss the issue. At the same time, respect yourself and your own time as well. There’s no need to take time off work or travel long distances when the other person is not interested for now. Instead, set up a convenient time and place where you can sit and talk as long as necessary. 

If the person still insists that he or she only sees you as a friend, then try to spend more time with him or her. This will help to deepen the friendship and maybe, one day, the two of you might become more than just friends.

Hang Out Often

If the person is busy and you can’t seem to find the right time to talk, try to hang out with him or her as often as possible. This will show that you are interested in spending time with the person, regardless of the situation.

If nothing else, hanging out with the other person will ensure that both of you have good company. Over time, you may end up feeling that this connection is better off as just a friendship instead of something more.

Avoid Being Too Clingy

A broken heart shaped cookie image

It is essential not to be too clingy when trying to get out of the friend zone. This will only push the person away and make it harder for you to attain your goal.

It can be hard to achieve a balance between hanging out often and being careful not to seem clingy. If you are having difficult setting a limit on how much you see someone, try scheduling your time in a different way. Include new activities that don’t necessarily include them, focus on improving your work performance, or find a whole new interest to pursue. This way, you won’t be wasting time while waiting for someone to come around.

Flirt – But In A Healthy Way

Flirting with someone is always a risky move, but it can be worth it if done correctly. For example, if you are at a party and you see them across the room, walk up to them and say something like “I’ve been wanting to talk to you all night”.

This will let them know that you find them attractive and that you want to get to know them better.

Flirting is a good way to show that you are interested in the person. However, make sure that you do it in a healthy way. Do not overdo it or else you will come across as desperate. There are several dating products and coaches that teach you this. You can read more about dating products and the best ones to learn the art of flirting from on this website.

Get To Know About The Person’s Preferences In A Partner

This is one of the most important things that you can do. By getting to know about your crush’s preferences in a partner, you will be able to find out what are traits you lack or work upon to get your crush to like you better than just a friend. And to be honest, you are a friend already and no stranger to her so you won’t be missing a lot of qualities that the person considers in a potential partner.

Ask Them To Help

Ask Them To Help

One thing that you can do is ask them to help you out with something. For example, if you need help studying for a test, ask them to help you out. This will show them that you value their opinion and that you want to spend time with them.

Another thing that you can do is involve them in activities that you enjoy. If you like to go hiking, invite them along. Or if you like to watch movies, ask them to come over and watch one with you.

This will help them see that you are not just a friend, but someone that they can enjoy spending time with for the long haul.

Talk About Your Feelings

If you want to let them know how you feel, make sure that you do it in a subtle way. For example, if you are talking to them about a movie, mention how much you enjoyed it and then say something like “I wish I could have felt that way about the movie we watched together”.

This will let them know that you are interested in them and that you would like to take things to the next level.

Don’t Rush Into It

Let your friendship deepen well enough to know that there is definitely something there before you make any sort of move. Pushing too hard will only scare them away and ruin the friendship you have built up.

Just relax and let things happen naturally. If they are meant to be yours, they will be.

Don’t Resolve Arguments With The Help Of Common Friends

A man and woman after an argument image

This can lead to further complications and will make it difficult for you to get out of the friend zone. If there are any issues that you need to address, talk to them privately. Always remember that the more you two communicate and resolve issues positively, the easier it will be for you two to develop a relationship.

Be Yourself

Lastly, one of the best things that you can do is just be yourself. Just be yourself and don’t try to be someone that you’re not. This is often a mistake that people make when they want to get out of the friend zone. The more genuine you are, the easier it will be for the other person to understand your feelings. The best way to attract someone is by being genuine and authentic. This will help to establish trust and maybe, one day, the two of you might be able to have a relationship that is more than just friendship.

Signs That You Are Friend-Zoned

Some possible signs that tell you that you are friend-zoned may include the following:

1) The person always refers to you as a friend

Your crush can make it quite evident that you are only friends by referring to you as such. This can be quite frustrating and may make you feel like you are not being taken seriously.

2) The person does not see you as a potential partner

If your crush does not see you as a potential partner, it is likely that you are in the friend zone. This is often because they do not see you as someone that they are attracted to.

3) There is no physical attraction

If the person does not find you physically attractive, it is likely that they view you as nothing more than a friend. Physical attraction is often one of the key factors in determining whether or not someone is interested in another person.

The person does not want to be intimate with you

If the person does not want to be intimate with you, it is likely that they see you as nothing more than a friend. Intimacy is often one of the key factors in determining whether or not someone is interested in another person.

4) The person talks about other people they are interested in

If the person is always talking about other people they are interested in, it is likely that you are not one of them. This can be quite frustrating and may make you feel like you are not good enough.

5) The person does not want to spend time with you alone

If the person does not want to spend time with you alone, it is likely that they see you as nothing more than a friend. This could be because they do not want to lead you on or they simply view you as someone who cannot be romantically involved.

6) The person flirts with other people in front of you

If the person is flirting with other people in front of you, it is likely that they are not interested in you. This could be seen as a sign of disrespect and may make you feel uncomfortable.

7) The person talks about how they are not ready for a relationship

If the person talks about how they are not ready for a relationship, it is likely that they do not see you as someone that they can have a relationship with. This could be because they do not want to hurt your feelings or they simply view you as someone who is a good friend but not a potential partner

8) The person confides in you more than they do with other people

If the person confides in you more than they do with other people, it is likely that they see you as someone special. This could be because they trust you and feel comfortable opening up to you. It may also be a sign that they see you as someone who could potentially be their partner one day but not at that very moment.

9) The person includes you in all their activities but does not make any moves to take things to the next level

It is very often for that person to be there for you when you need someone to talk to, but they do not make any moves to take things to the next level. This could be because they are not interested in you or they simply see you as a friend.

The person never talks about their feelings for you

If the person never talks about their feelings for you, it is likely that they are not interested in you. This could be because they are scared to express their feelings or they simply do not have any feelings for you.

10) The person always tells you how much they appreciate your friendship and how much they value your opinion

If the person always tells you how important you are to them as a friend, it is likely that they see you as someone who is not a partner but a good friend. This could be because they do not want to lose your friendship or they simply view you as someone who is a good friend but not a potential partner.

If you are experiencing any of these signs, it means that the person does not see you as anything more than a friend. If this is the case, then it might be best to move on and find someone who sees you as more than just a friend.

In conclusion

If you have been friend-zoned by someone that you like, don’t worry. There are ways for you to get out of the friend zone and into their hearts.

There are always ways to get out of the friend zone with someone you like – you just have to be willing to try hard enough! By following the tips mentioned in this article, you can increase your chances of success and finally become more than just friends. Just remember to remain positive and don’t give up hope. With time, things might change for the better.

We hope that these tips will help you get out of the friend zone! Good luck!