10 Key Reasons Why You Should Start Eating Clean

Living longer is just one reason why you should start eating clean. Keep reading for 5 key reasons why you should start eating clean.

Did you know that the obesity rate has been tripled since 1975? Approximately 2 billion people are overweight or obese at the moment of this writing, including adults and teenagers. These are sobering facts that should make everyone think twice about what they have on their plate. Obesity is linked to a wide array of health problems, so weight management should be a top priority.

How Does Clean Eating Work?

Eating basic, whole foods free of artificial substances is the traditional definition of clean eating. In most cases, this requires refraining from consuming any foods that have been processed, as well as foods high in trans fats, heavily saturated fats, added sugar, and refined grains. In addition, some people decide to take clean eating to the next level by neglecting gluten, dairy products, and soy from their diets as well.

Learning how to eat cleanly might be a good place to begin for individuals who are interested in improving the quality of their food. In particular when the emphasis is placed on whole, nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and quality proteins; these are the foods that make up the bulk of a diet that is considered to be balanced.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that simply because a product does not meet the criteria to be considered clean, this does not necessarily mean that it is dirty or harmful to your health in any manner.

Best Clean Foods


The very finest proteins are low in fat and carbohydrates, high in protein quality, and relatively low in calories. They also have a high protein content relative to their fat and carbohydrate content. When it comes to meat and dairy products, this often means selecting more options that are grass-fed, sustainably caught, and free-range. And for many people, this also involves giving some thought to increasing their consumption of organic proteins.


Carbohydrates can be found in a wide variety of nutritious foods, such as fruits, vegetables that are starchy, and grains in their complete form. Yet, carbohydrates can also be obtained via food choices that are less desired. Choose complete food sources of complex carbohydrates that are high in fiber instead of refined sugars like processed grains and table sugar for increased health benefits. Refined sugars include processed grains and table sugar. Some of the most nutritious sources of carbohydrates are foods like rice, oats, corn, quinoa, and buckwheat.

Good Fats

Cooking oil, salad dressings, butter, and sauces are all examples of fats that are typically consumed as added ingredients or toppings. Nevertheless, it can also be found in many foods in their natural state, including proteins. The healthiest fats typically originate from plant-based sources, and you can find them in whole meals, where they are bundled together with other important nutrients. Make sure you are keeping track of your macro consumption and portioning out high-fat foods so that you can fulfill your fitness objectives and obtain the appropriate amount of fat in your diet.

Veggies That Are Not Starchy

Because they are often so low in calories and don’t provide a large amount of any macronutrient, vegetables that do not include starch do not readily fit into any of the macronutrient categories. They are, however, rich in the micronutrients that supply important nutrition. These micronutrients can help you with your diet in a variety of different ways, whether you’re trying to lose weight, grow muscle, or both, and they play a significant part in your overall health over the long run.

Alternatives for Dairy

There are a variety of dairy substitutes available to choose from if you are following a diet that does not include dairy products. On the other hand, it is essential to be aware of the fact that many dairy-free kinds of milk and yogurts do not have a similar nutritional profile to meals that are made with dairy, particularly when it comes to the amount of protein that they contain. Make sure to read the nutrition information labels for any of the following foods and look for versions that include less added sugar and more protein.

Luckily, you can avoid gaining excessive weight if you start eating clean. The benefits of clean eating are numerous and this article will present you just a few of them, so keep reading.

1. To Avoid Diseases and Remain Healthy

You probably already know that eating a lot of junk food can predispose you to cardiovascular diseases. Too much processed sugar, grease, and a lack of fresh vegetables can also put a strain on your digestive system and liver. People who don’t eat clean have a higher chance of developing diabetes as well. 

The best way to avoid all these diseases? Eat a healthy diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, and lean protein. This will prevent most chronic illnesses and prolong your lifespan too. 

2. To Feel Better Every Day

Remember that healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. These nutrients nourish your body and make you feel better every day. You will feel that you have more energy and you will be in the mood for almost anything, whether it’s about working or playing. If you feel better as a result of adopting a healthy diet, your level of happiness will also increase!

3. Have Better Performance in the Gym

Whether you go to the gym occasionally or you’re a professional athlete, what you eat will influence your training. Eat junk food and you’ll barely have the energy to work out. Eat a clean diet and you’ll see progress in the gym every day. A healthy diet consisting of lean protein such as turkey or chicken combined with vegetables and legumes will make you lift more weight and run faster. These foods should be a staple in your diet if you want to improve fitness performance.


4. To Look Better With Your Shirt Off

Eating a clean diet will slowly melt excessive pounds of fat and give you a slimmer appearance. You’ll see this each time you look in the mirror. People who eliminate french fries and burgers from their diets will see how they can fit in smaller clothes. A body supplied with nourishing, healthy foods will naturally reduce fat from around the belly, thighs, and hips areas.

5. To Be More Productive

Eating clean doesn’t have positive effects on your physical appearance only. It can also influence your cognition. If you constantly feed healthy nutrients and vitamins to your brain, it will perform better too. You’ll be able to accomplish more at your job. You’ll not get tired that easily. You’ll be able to think faster and enjoy a better memory. Sooner or later, you should expect a raise as a result of being more productive at your job.

6. Save Money

Many people believe that eating healthy food comes at a higher financial cost than consuming processed foods. Nevertheless, this is not the case. If you take the time to plan out your healthy meals for the week, you won’t have to worry about going over budget at the supermarket or when eating out. You are doing yourself a tremendous favor by avoiding dining in expensive restaurants and placing takeout orders that are unhealthy.

7. Aids in Improving Sleep

Eating well will not only help you get the restful sleep you need but will also help you get the quality sleep you seek. Getting a good night’s sleep will aid you in all aspects. Persons who ate the greatest variety of foods also took in the greatest number of antioxidants. They were also the ones who consumed the most water.

Eat a well-rounded diet that has an emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat proteins that are rich in B vitamins. Some examples of foods that fit this description include fish, poultry, meat, eggs, and dairy products. Taking B vitamins can help regulate the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for controlling your sleep patterns.

8. Combats Inflammation

Inflammation has been related to a wide variety of health conditions, ranging from stress and brain fog to diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Individuals who consume more whole grains as opposed to processed grains have a 38% reduction in their C-reactive protein levels, which is a significant predictor of inflammation.

9. Increases Immunity

After adopting a healthier diet, you will not only have more energy, but you will also notice that your immune system has improved. Your immune system can be strengthened and your likelihood of contracting an illness can be reduced if you ensure that the bacteria in your gut are happy and healthy.

10. Reduces Stress

Maintaining a healthy diet can be an effective stress reliever. The levels of stress-inducing chemicals such as cortisol and adrenaline, as well as the levels of relaxing neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, are both significantly impacted by the foods you eat.

Now You Know Why You Should Start Eating Clean!

These are just a few of the benefits of a clean diet. Best of all, it’s really easy to start eating clean. You just have to make gradual adjustments to your diet such as eliminating one type of junk food each week and replacing it with a healthier alternative.

For more useful advice on how to eat clean, achieve a slimmer appearance, and improve the quality of your life, make sure that you check out the other articles on our website!

For more information

While there are a lot of classifications to clean eating, it boils down to consuming food that is as near as possible to its natural state. The purpose of this is to encourage us to prepare our food for health benefits.

We need to eat foods full of nutrient contents straight from the earth that have not undergone over-processing.

In the United States alone, most people consume heavily processed diets containing harmful chemicals, food dyes, sugar, fat, additives, sodium, and many other unnecessary ingredients.

These heavy doses of preservatives and chemicals are hazardous to our health and fitness.

Clean eating nourishes our body system with food rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Thus, a diet in its natural state is more nutritious, delicious, and flavorful.

Clean eating nourishes your body with healthy and nutrient-dense foods. Clean foods fill your body with plenty of vitamins and minerals, high-quality protein, and healthy fats.

Eating these types of foods will contribute to your body’s overall health management, boost your immune system, control your weight gain, enhance the healthy condition of your brain, heart, and other body organs.

While adjusting our lifestyle to a clean diet is highly challenging, it remains a practical way to achieve a healthy body. Not to mention, the benefits you get from a clean diet far outweigh the initial discomforts or concerns you will experience.

Food items that are known as clean diet

Fresh fruit: bananas, apples, blueberries, strawberries, grapes, oranges, and 100% fruit juice.

Vegetables: carrots, cabbage, corn, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, salsa, tomatoes, cauliflower, lettuce, green beans, onions, mushrooms, onion, salsa, and sweet potatoes.

Lean meats and protein: fish, unflavored nuts, dried beans, eggs from grass-fed chickens, grass-fed chickens, sugar-free peanut butter 

Grains: air-popped popcorn, oats, whole-wheat pasta, whole grain, and brown rice.

Dairy items: milk, cheese, sugar-free non-dairy milk, unsweetened yogurt.

Drinks: water, sugar-free tea, unsweetened coffee, seltzer, and honey-flavored drinks.

Sliced fruits

The Bottomline

Eileen Dutter, a clinical dietitian in Weight Management Services, maintained that clean eating is about consuming food products that are fresh as possible.

Thus, we have to be conscious enough of our food, making sure that these products are not overly processed. To achieve a clean diet, you have to choose food that comes from their original state.