What are the best ways to keep your cat hydrated

 As a proud pet parent, one of your responsibilities is to ensure that your pets stay hydrated and healthy. If you notice that your cat isn’t making her usual trips to the bowl, it is time to detect the reasons for why she isn’t consuming enough water. This is specifically true for warm summers when the water requirements tend to increase. Lack of water intake can cause serious health diseases. Nonetheless, you might be successful at taking your cat to her water bowl, but you certainly can’t force her into drinking it if she doesn’t want to. 

If you are certain that your cat is dehydrated and not drinking enough water, there are a few ways to get your pet cat to sip water. Read on to learn more. 

Cat Water Fountain

It might sound a bit luxurious, but getting a cat water fountain comes with numerous health benefits. Firstly, your cat will stay hydrated with a vital supply of fresh, clean water. The water fountain is a safer option than the traditional bowl. The fountain will keep the temperature a few degrees cooler than room temperature. This temperature encourages your pet to drink more, as it will be more refreshing. The fountain’s inbuilt filter will keep the water pure, which will improve its smell and taste. Since the water will remain cooler and fresher, your cat will be encouraged to sip more throughout the day, 

It is important to note here that the diet of the cat is primarily dry. In the absence of moisture, your cat can develop serious health issues, such as the build-up of bacteria in their urinary tract. Getting a cat water fountain can help to prevent such health issues.

Changing the Environment

Another effective way to ensure that your cat is hydrated is by changing its environment. For instance, you can set up multiple water stations by placing water bowls around the house. This includes a couple of different places where you think it might make your cat curious. If you change the drinking bowls’ materials, such as ceramic, glass, wooden, and metal, it might also encourage her to investigate and test-taste the water. As mentioned earlier, cat food is generally dry, such as kibbles. The typical cat food contains only 10% water, which means adding more wet food to your cat’s diet. Providing your pet cat with healthy nutrition and clean, fresh water will help her stay active and healthy.  

What are the Symptoms of Dehydration in Cats?

There are certain symptoms to look out for to identify dehydration in your pet. For instance, you might want to look out for loose skin, especially at the back of your cat’s neck. Gently lift the skin and see how it falls back. If you notice that the skin stays up or takes time to fall back, your cat is more likely to require more water. Other symptoms include fatigue, panting, lower appetite, excessive urination, sticky gums, faster heartbeats, trembling body, and drooling.