Welcoming a new family member

People in modern times prefer to be single or to have a partner without children. They wanted a more carefree life. Travel anywhere, stay late at night, wake up late and have the time of their lives. The majority of single people opt to watch television or play computer games.

The majority of the adults prefer to play games in an online casino. They simply log on to their favorite virtual casino site and voila! They can play all sorts of casino games to their heart content.

At some point in our adult life, we come to realize the need to have a child, especially for couples. They may want to fill a space in their house or maybe a fulfillment to their marriage. To make them feel whole. The question is, are you ready?

Different areas of parenthood

  • Pregnancy
  • Adoption

Whether a woman conceives the child or has a child through adoption, we already participated in a different kind of human relationship that would become part of our lives forever. Counselors often ask a couple of the following.

1. Stability

Stability comes in many forms such as emotionally, psychologically, and financially. The couple must assess themselves if they are indeed ready to become parents. Emotional and psychological readiness is a sign of maturity of the person towards responsibility. This is the time wherein half of what you have been used to should be put on hold such as partying or traveling. Financial stability is also essential for the child to have proper growth. As an expected parent, one has to be ready for the things that you should sacrifice to put the baby’s needs in the top priority.

2. Physical health

Our physical health has to be checked also to avoid further complications. Some women might have health issues due to congenital health problems or age. An expected mother should get a monthly check-up and get a proper diet for the safe delivery of the baby. Take vitamins such as Vitamin D, Calcium, and Folic Acid. Avoid coffee, cigarette, and alcoholic drinks. Eat a balanced diet and exercise as per the doctor’s advice.

3. Solid reasons for having a child

Being a parent is a lifetime commitment. It is more tangible than marital vows because we can file for a divorce if the marriage fails. Children should not be used as a ground for selfish motives. Children are brought up in this world because we know it is time for us to start a family.

Preparation for the baby’s arrival

Whether we are preparing for the delivery (to give birth) or for the adoption papers to be approved, parents should get ready for the following:

  1. a)     Coordinate the baby’s place and needs at home from the baby’s crib, the nursery room, feeding bottles, and the baby walker.
  2. b)     Stock up baby’s essentials and household items. Baby’s essentials such as clothes, nappies, pins, baby bath soap, vitamins, and formula.
  3. c)     Condition yourselves of your new role as parents. Check your body if you’re capable of breastfeeding and if you’re willing to breastfeed a baby, and what name should be given to the baby.
  4. d)     Take time to be with your spouse while waiting for the baby’s coming. You will need each other in handling the infant and your hands might get full for the baby’s demands.

What an additional family member can do to family relationships

  • Babies make the house seem livelier.
  • Relationships between family and relatives appear stronger than ever and more bonding moments with them as well.
  • Babies help lessen depression.

What To Do While in the Hospital/Maternity Center

Skin to Skin Contact

Parents and infants are inextricably linked. Request that your newborn be placed skin-to-skin with you as soon as they are born. Within the first hour or two of birth, the majority of newborns are ready to breastfeed. Throughout the first few weeks, continue to frequently hold your infant skin-to-skin. Skin-to-Skin benefits include faster bonding, simpler breastfeeding teaching, and simpler adjustment for your newborn. Also, it aids in controlling your baby’s blood sugar, breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature.

Baby’s First Bath

Vernix, a lotion that is excellent for babies, is already on their skin before they are born. After birth, the baby will be dry, but you should wait till your child is comfortable in his or her new life with you after the first bath. You can take a bath in your room.


For the duration of your hospital stay, request to be with your infant in the same room, day and night, unless a medical procedure calls for a different setting. Consider inviting a second adult to remain in your hospital room. Less crying for the baby, greater rest and sleep for the baby, encouragement of newborn weight gain, easier and faster bonding, easier and faster milk supply, and improved parenting confidence are all advantages of rooming-in.

Breastfeeding Information and Tips

Exclusive Breastfeeding

When you exclusively breastfeed, your baby receives all of his or her nutrition from you. For six months, it is advised that your newborn consume just your milk. Breastfeeding has many advantages, including early milk (colostrum), which is the ideal first food for infants, provides antibodies to fight diseases, is simple to digest, resulting in less gas and cramping for the infant, is always warm and ready to eat – nothing to buy, and may aid mothers in losing weight and lowering their risk for illnesses.

Position and Latch

Perfect practice makes perfect! Discover the positions that suit you. An effective latch helps your infant eliminate milk and reduces breast pain. Make sure you’re cozy. Try leaning back as a starting point. The most natural position for you to be in just after giving birth is belly-to-belly with your newborn. Support your baby’s search for the breast when it displays symptoms of doing so. He or she will connect to the breast and nudge up. It is in your baby’s best interest to breastfeed while pleasantly reclining.

Making and Maintaining your Milk

Colostrum, your first milk, is thicker and more yellow than regular milk. Although early milk is produced in relatively modest quantities, it is packed with vitamins and immunities. Throughout the course of the first three to five days, your milk will transform into higher quantities of mature milk, which has more water to quench your baby’s need. Your milk “coming in” is a common term used to describe when the amount of milk increases. This is false because your breasts already contain milk and weren’t empty at this point. If you are removed from your baby, you should utilize breast massage, hand expression, and/or pumping to release milk and keep making them.

Final thoughts

Being a parent is exciting but can be challenging as well. It is not an easy task rearing a human being but it can be fulfilling.