The Best Tips to Babyproof Your Living Room

We know how it feels. Overnight, your little bundle transforms from completely reliant on you to a mobile explorer. This is an exciting moment, but it may also be scary as you become aware of the dangers in every area and wonder how you’ll keep your child safe.

Starting from your bedroom, and living room to corridors, gardens with pools and open pond filtration system, and even balconies with your favorite plants, baby-proofing applies everywhere. Also, getting the right baby gear is a part of baby-proofing so don’t forget a highchair for the kitchen or a baby swing for the living room.

Couches,  bookshelves, custom gun safes, workstations, and coffee tables are all common items we all have in a living room. These may appear to be commonplace items, yet they could result in falls, scrapes, bumps, and cuts for your little explorer. It’s a good idea to properly test all of your furniture to obtain a good picture of the safety condition in your living room. View here to more information about floor safes for sale.

Below we have gathered some important tips that you can follow to make your living room all safe and a happy place:

1. Change Your Perspective

Get down on all fours and knees and hands and take a fresh look around your living room. Things may appear less harmful from a distance than they are from your toddler’s eye level.
When you look at things through the eyes of a youngster, you’ll notice things that can draw curious fingers or are simply waiting to be run into. Spotting difficulties from below helps you avoid missing important details that you could have missed when standing.

2. Look For Edges And Corners

Have you ever grazed your knee against the edge of your hefty wooden coffee table or scraped your shoulder against the bookshelf’s side? It hurts!

It could possibly be worse for your child. To check for sharp corners, run your palm along and over each one, noting which ones appear to be dangerous. Your child will stumble and tumble a lot while learning to crawl, stand, and walk. It’s critical to understand the bumping hazard zones.

3. Furniture That Wobbles

Toddlers aren’t particularly powerful, yet they may get themselves into more mischief than you might imagine. When attempting to crawl or walk, children will grab hold of anything they can reach for assistance. Is your furniture capable of withstanding the weight of a little human?
The best way to find out is to give it a shot.

Gently shake any furniture that appears to be less secure than it appears with the strength of your child. This might be anything from a pretty plant to a bookcase. Anything that readily tips is terrible news, but what can be done?

4. Remove Unstable Furniture

Some things are beyond repair for a baby. The good news is that they won’t stay small indefinitely, so keep pendant lights and damaged or broken vases or potted plants so outreach while they are. Transfer these problematic breakables to areas your infant can’t access if you’re using baby gates or willing to rearrange your furniture.

5.  Alternatives To Save

If you have the financial resources, updating any of the furniture in your living room can help you improve your safety. Some of your living room’s most dangerous items have elegant, safe substitutes. Instead of a coffee table, consider using an ottoman. Many ottomans have additional storage, and you may rest your feet on top without being concerned about the contents.

Floor lamps plus curtains are two other prevalent bothersome items. You may eliminate two big danger zones in your living room by switching from a floor lamp to a table lamp and from floor-length drapes to shades.

6. Make Use Of A Setting Strategy

You may create a play space for your toddler with his playpen and a quality stroller by some top baby stroller oem, while keeping the risk zones off-limits. This can be done by utilizing baskets, couches, or other natural barriers. Baby gates might also help in this situation.

Rearranging things can help a lot. For a kid-friendly environment, place a huge decorative pillow as well as a bean bag chair in the front of outlets or wall lamps. Get imaginative and toss things about until you find something that works.

7. Keep Surfaces Clean

Your kid will be more drawn to investigate your flat surfaces if they are cluttered. Coffee tables with open beverages or conveniently accessible electronics are a recipe for disaster!

After a long day of running kids around, staying on top of organization and tidiness is a terrific way to avoid hazards and reduce cleaning. Find new places to store clutter, and move items higher and out of reach.


When it came to babyproofing, the most crucial thing to remember has nothing to do with safety, it’s all too easy to become preoccupied with our children’s safety. It’s tempting to believe that we must do everything perfectly to protect and keep them secure. After all, it is the first thing every responsible parent are willing to do. So why not you?

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