Creating a Slideshow with Family Pictures to Give as Gifts

Creating a Slideshow with Family Pictures to Give as Gifts

Keeping images and videos of significant events in your family is one of the smartest things you can do, and definitely one you will thank yourself later for. But once you have amassed a sizeable collection, what do you do with it? Sure, it’s great and all that you’ve got a million … Read more

Choosing Pictures to Include in a Baby Slideshow

Choosing Pictures to Include in a Baby Slideshow

There is rarely a feeling as powerful as the love a person feels for their child. This instinctive love and need to protect is what has made parenting one of the most satisfying activities for our species. What other type of love would keep a person awake for literally months on end … Read more

Song Ideas for Adult Birthday Parties and Slideshows


Birthday parties will not be complete without any music because it is something that gives life to the event and adds enjoyment to the people attending the party. It is also important if you’re planning to create a slideshow for the birthday celebrant. One challenging part of creating slideshows is choosing the … Read more

50 Songs from Parent to Child

50 Songs from Parent to Child

The love of a parent for a child is like a seed. It starts with the anticipation of the birth and continues to develop and become stronger over the years. Becoming a parent involves a metamorphosis, where self-interest takes precedence over the unconditional dedication and selfless love. Once you have become a … Read more