How Can Mirrors Make a Small Space Seem Larger?


It can be difficult to decorate a small room, which might leave you feeling hemmed in and uneasy. You can, however, transform a claustrophobic room into a pleasant haven by employing specific design strategies that provide the impression of more space than there is. Mirrors arranged in a thoughtful pattern around the … Read more

How to Brighten a Room with a Full-Length Mirror?

Using a full-length frameless mirror makes a more vivid room

A stunning and vibrant mirror can make a darkened room appear bigger and brighter, produce an expressionistic statement, and offer the satisfaction of gazing at a cherished artefact or a breath-taking view. Full-length Mirrors are often used to reflect the walls and ceilings opposite to them. Still, their influence is much more … Read more

How to Install Bathroom Mirror without Nails, Screw or Drilling

Prepare for installation

Bathroom mirrors are becoming popular by the day. Contemporary homeowners are ensuring that their bathrooms do not miss this asset. On the other hand, traditional homeowners are remodeling their bathrooms and installing mirrors. Some of the benefits of bathroom mirrors include improved aesthetics, airiness, the illusion of space, and increased brightness in … Read more

Top Things to Look for when Using Antique Mirror Glass

Top Things to Look for when Using Antique Mirror Glass

History For the majority of history, only the very affluent could purchase a looking glass big enough to show their full body; everyone else had to make due with only being able to see a small piece of themselves in a mirror. This was particularly true in the 15th century, when the … Read more