How Often Should You Wash Your Sheets During The Pandemic

How Often Should You Wash Your Sheets During The Pandemic

Coronavirus is a virus that is highly contagious and can be transmitted through direct contact with the infected person’s skin. It can also be transmitted through crowded places such as nursing homes, orphanages, and schools. It is estimated that nearly half the world’s population is carrying the virus. The disease is known … Read more

When Should You Get Tested for Coronavirus?

When Should You Get Tested for Coronavirus

COVID19 tests are now readily available in most areas and many people believe that everybody should be given one as standard.   If you present with symptoms, you will be given a COVID19 saliva test or a covid pcr test, but other than that, it’s up to you whether or not you want … Read more

Backup Utility Sources Keep Kitchens Running During Emergency

Backup Utility Sources Keep Kitchens Running During Emergency

Around the globe community kitchens and restaurants are working day and night. Particularly, during these tough times to cater to the needy people who are not able to go out and earn their wages due to the global lockdown and Taking a commercial kitchen on rent during that time would be a … Read more