Kanna For Anxiety – What Are the Ingredients in Kanna for Anxiety?


Sceletium tortuosum, also known as kanna, kougoed, channa, or eland antelope plant, is becoming increasingly popular as a legal non-psychedelic alternative for anxiety and stress relief. It is a heart medicine that can help open one’s heart to deeper levels of love, connection, and oneness. The mesembrine alkaloids found in kanna inhibit … Read more

10 Ways to Relax Quickly When Stressed


The radical shift of work demands had created so much toil upon man. Even if you are not literally employed there will be moments when your patience will be challenged. There are several factors that can impede the focus of a person which causes them to become so stressed. Learning how to … Read more

How to Manage Separation Anxiety in Dogs and Cats? 

How to Manage Separation Anxiety in Dogs and Cats

When the COVID-19 pandemic started, there was a significant spike in adopting and buying pets. Many people decided that this was the best time to get a furry friend since they would be spending more time at home. Being in a lockdown meant that you could take care of a puppy or … Read more

7 Signs of Anxiety in Your Behavior

7 Signs of Anxiety in Your Behavior

When you have a physical ailment, more often than not, it’s relatively easy to identify because all you need to do is have a few medical tests done that can physically show you where the problem lies, and what you need to do to find the solution. When it comes to mental … Read more

Interesting Ways To Tackle Your Anxiety

Interesting Ways To Tackle Your Anxiety

You don’t have to be ashamed of your anxiety issues as everyone has them at some point. The problem is, allowing it to control your life. You have options out there that can help you beat it and lead your life like everyone else. It’s normal to be anxious about life events … Read more