Surgical Technologist’s Role in 4 Common Procedures

Surgical technologists are an integral part of the surgical team. They prepare the patient and the OR for surgeries. They also work under a surgeon’s supervision to ensure a safe environment in the operating room.

Read on to find out about the common surgeries that surgical techs are involved in.

Role of a Surgical Technologist

There are three types of surgical techs:

Second Assisting Technologist

They assist the surgeon in surgeries by holding instruments like retractors, suctioning and sponging, applying dressings, and cutting sutures. They set up the sterile table with instruments needed in surgery. They also drape the patient, including the surrounding areas, with a sterile barrier.

Circulating Surgical Technologist

They obtain additional instruments, supplies, and equipment necessary during surgery. Their duties include selecting sterile items for the surgery, checking patients’ charts, transferring patients to the operating room, assisting in anesthetics, prepping for the draping procedure, assisting in-room cleaning, and much more.

Scrub Surgical Technologist:

The surgical technologist handles instruments, supplies, and equipment necessary during surgery. Their duties include; checking out supplies and equipment, setting up sterile tables, performing circulator counts, draping sterile fields, maintaining the highest standards of sterile technique during the procedure, etc. In addition, the scrub surgical technologist actively communicates with renowned suppliers like GerMedUSA Inc., and others. They are also responsible for placing orders and tracking shipments.

4 Common Surgeries


In Clolecysytomy, surgeons remove the gall bladder of the patient. There can be several reasons as to why a patient would want their gall bladder removed. However, issues like gallstones, polyps, or inflammation are the main reasons for gall bladder removal.

What surgical instruments are used in cholecystectomy?

The list of surgical instruments used in the process of cholecystectomy are as follows:

  • Kelly Clamps
  • Kocher Forceps
  • Needle Holder
  • Scissors
  • Forceps
  • Retractors
  • Right angle clamp
  • Suctions

Role of Surgical Technologist

A surgical technologist is responsible for completing the patient’s blood work and communicating with anesthesiologists. In addition, they also prepare the OR by placing the right set of instruments on the back table, adjusting light beams and cameras, and ensuring sterilization of the room.

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

The surgery is performed on coronary artery disease. The blood vessels that supply oxygenated blood to the heart start thinning. The procedure is performed like open-heart surgery and may take hours to complete. During surgery, the blood from a troublesome artery is rerouted to a healthy artery.

Instruments used in the procedure are

  • Raspatory Instruments
  • Bone Cutting Forceps
  • Debakey Vascular Tissue Forceps
  • John Hopkins Bulldog Clamps
  • Dissecting Lobectomy Esophageal Scissors
  • Retractors
  • Scalpels
  • Rib Spreader
  • Tissue Forceps

What does a Surgical Technologist do during Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) Surgery?

The technicians monitor the heart-lung bypass machine throughout the operation span. Also, they keep everything prepared.

Cataract Surgery

The eye surgery is performed on patients with blurry, cloudy vision. It is a low-risk surgery and is done without the administration of anesthesia. Instead, the patients are given local anesthesia that numbs the operation site. During the procedure, the ophthalmologist removes the cataract with the help of an ultrasound. The fragments are then collected through a suction device. The specialist also adds an intraocular lens in the eye to improve the patient’s vision.

Surgical Instruments used in cataract surgery

  • Eye Scissors
  • Wilder Lens Loop Smith
  • Kirby Double Hook and Expressor
  • Knife Handle
  • Eye Suture
  • Dewecker Iris Scissor
  • Eye Speculum
  • Miniature Blade Beaker
  • Elsching O’Brien Fixation Forceps

What does a Surgical Technician do in cataract surgery?

The technician prepares both patients and the OR. They also perform diagnostic tests and collect results before surgeons begin operating.


Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix located at the corner of the large intestine. The Appendectomy is performed laparoscopically with three cuts. However, it can also be performed as an open appendectomy. It becomes necessary to perform surgery if the appendix is ruptured and the infection spreads in the patient’s body.

Instruments required for Appendectomy:

  • Hemostatic Forceps
  • Retractor
  • Tissue Forceps
  • Instrument holder
  • Yankauer Suction Tube
  • Towel Clamp
  • Dissecting Scissors

What does a surgical technologist do in the Appendectomy?

A surgical technologist prepares patients and the OR before doctors perform the surgery. They are also responsible for sterilization of the instruments and setting up the back table.

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