Reasons Why You Should Stop Buying Meat From the Supermarket

If you’re like a lot of adults, there is a high chance that you get your meat from the supermarket. There is nothing shameful about it. It is just the way we’ve been brought up and it can be hard to change the mentality of a person. In most instances, our main concern is if the meat is fresh and how much it costs. Beyond that, everything else will be trivial. Here are some of the reasons why you shouldn’t be buying the meat from the supermarket.

The Deli is a Dirty Place

If there is one dirty place in the supermarket, it has to be the deli. This is unfortunate given the fact that it is where you get your meat from. The slicer is always at risk of contamination and you can never really be sure of what happens behind closed doors. There was joint research that was carried out and nearly 3% of delis tested positive for listeria. There are also other nasty pathogens that could result in diseases. You don’t have much control over the hygiene levels found in delis.

Mislabeled Fish

It will be easy to tell the difference between mutton and beef but fish is another thing altogether. If you don’t eat fish on a regular basis, you might not know what you’re actually dealing with. There have been studies that have shown that more than one-third of the fish that is currently in the market is mislabeled. That means that there is a high likelihood that you’ve eaten one type of fish mistaking it for another. The good news is that the majority of fish are actually safe to eat but there are some that could lead to serious complications such as gastric problems.

Expiration Dates Don’t Have any Meaning

It is no secret that there isn’t regulation when it comes to labeling. In North America, more than 30 states are left to their own devices. That means they’re the ones that get to choose the expiry date. You can never know when the meat was first purchased. That is why most supermarkets will insist on deep-freezing the meat because it is not likely to last for a long time. The only way you can really know is by investigating when the meat first hit the shelf and a lot of supermarkets would be too willing to share such information. For fresh cuts, you can check companies like Mortons Family Farm where the meat can be delivered to your doorstep. 

Full of Antibiotics

While this might not be obvious, there is no meat processing company that would want to disclose the antibiotics that they use on their animals. It is estimated that animals consume more than 36,000 tons of antibiotics every year. It is only in 2016 where it was made a requirement that antibiotics are procured under the prescription of a veterinary.  Be sure to consider great options like as well.

Half of Meat Contains Bacteria

According to research that was done by the Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases, it was found out that half the meat in American supermarkets contained some form of bacteria. Turkey, chicken, and pork were found to be more susceptible to staph. Another legitimate reason why you should be buying meat from your local butcher or farmer.

Potentially Have Dangerous Drugs

There was a study that was done by Johns Hopkins University in 2012 to find out what was in chickens before they were slaughtered. Depressants, antibiotics, caffeine, and even banned drugs were found in the chickens. You’re probably wondering what caffeine has to do with anything. It has been proven that a chicken grows faster when it is awake, hence the use of caffeine.

Use of Chemicals

If meat stays in the fridge for a couple of days, it will oxidize which results in a brown color. There is a certain chemical that has been in use for a while by supermarkets that will make the meat look fresh even if it is about to rot. According to research, more than 70 % of the meat that is sold in supermarkets is treated with this strange chemical.

If it Smells, Throw it Away

There is no reason to consume meat that looks fresh and smells something different. There is a high chance that you’re likely to get sick and there is no reason why you should be taking the risk. The best approach would be to buy from a local butcher to reduce the risk of getting contaminated meat. Ready made meals are another safe option where you know everything is fresh and the useby is clearly printed.

chicken meat on a chopping board

Tips for Checking Meat’s Freshness

When buying red meat, most look for nice, bright red meat on the shelves with good packaging. But the meat’s color is one of the many characteristics you must inspect to secure its freshness. Remember that meat reacts with oxygen to give it the red color we are all familiar with. Read some useful and easy tips for checking if the meat is of prime quality.

Fingerprint Test

One of the easiest ways to tell if meat is fresh is to squeeze it with your fingers or thumbs gently. When fresh, it should return to its original shape. Old meat will leave fingerprints that won’t grow back. If this is the case, please refuse this shipment. Meat should also be inspected, rejected, or discarded if it is discolored or has an unpleasant odor. If the meat bounces, it’s fresh. If not, the meat may be stale as it has lost its elasticity. If the meat is sticky or slimy, it’s also spoiled. 

Color, Scent, Texture

It is considered the easiest way to check the safety of red meat. Fresh meat has no odor, especially off-flavors. Strange odors include bleach odors, ammonia, or general fish odors. Smell up close for more accurate results. Red meats like beef and lamb are usually bright red to indicate the freshest meat. However, if the color is slightly purple, the meat has been exposed to oxygen. It’s just a measure of freshness. The pork is reddish pink, and the game meat is dark brown. Also, textures are an often-forgotten method, but they are just as important. Touch the flesh and press fairly hard. 

Meat Fat

Meat with white spots and streaks of fat spread across the muscle will be juicier and more tender. This fat is called marbling; the finer the marbling, the better. Wagyu beef, prized for its marbling, is known for its flavor and tenderness. These meats are also more expensive.  

grocery cart in a shopping department store

Dates, Packaging, and Storage

Shelf life has more to do with quality than food safety. Manufacturers say that their products reach optimal freshness by a certain date. If you want to wait to cook it, try buying meat with the latest or expiration date. You can keep the meat in the fridge for several days without spoiling it. The expiration date is important because it indicates how close the flesh is to spoilage. Meat should always be consumed before or on the expiration date, as consumption after this date is extremely dangerous. Meat such as minced meat is especially dangerous. More surfaces are exposed, and more treatments and treatments are being done. As such, it is more perishable than a cut of steak. Check the packaging for damage or dirt. It does not necessarily directly affect the meat’s quality, but it provides information about how the meat was handled. If the package is damaged, it is also exposed to contamination from external elements. Many people need to pay attention to the refrigerator and freezer when buying fresh meat. Why is that important? Temperature control in the facility is very important to keep meat fresh. If your refrigerator is a little warmer than usual, or if the freezer is dripping water, you may have a technical problem.