Most Common Reasons for Waking Up at Night

You are not alone if you suffer to achieve a good night’s sleep. According to studies, 35% of adults are sleep deprived. In fact, one of the most often asked queries by adults in recent months has been, “Why do I keep on waking up in the middle of the night?”

When disrupted sleep becomes a chronic issue, you are not only tired throughout the day but also at a higher risk for major health problems. A good night’s sleep is one where you rest for seven to eight hours. Even getting up in the middle of the night reduces the time spent in the deep and REM (rapid eye movement) stages of sleep. Cortisol levels are basically your stress hormone and are affected by night waking. That’s why you need to get some sufficient rest.

If you continue waking up in the middle of the night, it might be due to various factors. Let’s look at some of the most prevalent causes:


One of the most common reasons individuals struggle to obtain deep, peaceful sleep is anxiety. Nevertheless, although there is plenty to be concerned about right now, there are methods to deal with. A doctor may advise you to keep a diary and a pen next to your bed so you may write down your thoughts when your head races in the middle of the night.

You might also try writing before bed to let any worries or thoughts out. Not only does the blue light disrupt your body’s circadian rhythm (which governs one’s sleep-wake cycle), but the cerebral stimulation you feel while doing activities like reading email and social media feeds make it challenging to rest.

Sleep Apnea

A dangerous sleep condition happens when a person’s breathing during sleep is disrupted. This is a typical cause for waking up throughout the night. It produces shallow breathing, which might also cause an individual to wake up many times throughout the night.

Some individuals are unaware that their sleep is being disrupted or broken. Moreover, a person suffering from sleep apnea may have symptoms such as:

  • Air gasping at night
  • Snoring
  • Morning headaches
  • Tiredness in the morning
  • Trouble focusing during the day

Also, if you need treatment for sleep apnea, get in touch with sleep apnea Miami.


Pain is a common cause of getting up in the middle of sleep, especially in older persons who may have persistent shoulder discomfort, arthritis, or neck pain. Curcumin or turmeric plus Bioperine typically helps with restless sleep since they are anti-inflammatory medicines. Another substance that may assist with discomfort is fish oil.


Insomnia refers to a condition in which an individual finds falling or remaining asleep difficult. It is also a frequent ailment that causes you to wake up in the middle of your sleep. Insomniacs may not feel like they receive sufficient sleep at night. Several probable reasons include stress, worry, depression, poor sleep patterns, daytime weariness, and many more.

Among its symptoms are:

  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Frequent wake-ups during the night
  • Waking up too early in the morning
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Irritability

Light Exposure

Melatonin is a light-activated group of hormones that helps control the sleep-wake cycle. Whenever it’s dark, the brain makes more melatonin, making people tired, and less whenever it’s light, keeping people more aware.

Additionally, bright lights shortly before bedtime may impair sleep quality and quantity. So, before sleep, switch off all mobile screen lights and avoid artificial lights to assist you in falling asleep.

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal abnormalities, such as those associated with perimenopause and hyperthyroidism, may induce night waking. A doctor advocates keeping a cold sleeping environment, especially for perimenopausal women. This may also benefit persons who have nocturnal sweats.


Eating hot, junk, or unhealthy foods just before night may also disrupt sleep. Indigestion produces bloating and gas, which makes it hard to fall asleep and might wake anyone up in the middle of sleep.

Moreover, eat light and healthful foods at night to prevent indigestion. If you want to consume heavy or spicy foods, do it later in the day rather than before or around night. This may help you sleep better at night.

Consuming Caffeine Late in the Day

Caffeine is a stimulant that may make it difficult to sleep. A single dose may improve attention, energy, and athletic performance.

On the other hand, coffee stimulates the nervous system late in the day and may prevent your body from properly resting at night. So, cut down on caffeine use throughout the day if you want to sleep better and more peacefully at night.


While most of us stay put, a new sleep environment and a changing schedule (or time zone) may cause sleep disruption. Avoid using electrical gadgets before bed, stick to your usual sleeping habits as closely as possible, and make your room as cool, dark, and quiet as possible to minimize the effects of travel.

Night Terrors

The sleep condition known as night terrors often referred to as sleep terrors can affect both children and adults. Non-REM sleep, or the stage of sleep that happens in the first part of the night, is when night terrors often happen.

A person may abruptly sit up in bed, scream, act panicked, and be highly agitated during a night terror episode. They could struggle to breathe, move around, and have a fast heartbeat. During a night terror episode, it might be challenging to rouse them up or comfort them, and they might not recall the incident the next day.


When a person’s body temperature is cool, they sleep the best.

A person’s body temperature can occasionally reach too high. This occurs frequently for those whose bedrooms are overly warm. Some could have nocturnal sweats as the cause.

Screen use

The body’s normal synthesis of the sleep hormone melatonin might be affected by screen use, especially in the hours before bed. Smartphones, tablets, and laptops all produce blue light, which can decrease melatonin synthesis and mess with the body’s normal sleep-wake cycle. The content of what you are watching, or reading can impact your sleep in addition to interfering with melatonin synthesis. Content that is stimulating or distressing might keep your mind engaged and hinder your ability to fall asleep.

It is advised to reduce screen time in the hours before night and establish a soothing pre-sleep ritual, such as reading a book or taking a bath, to enhance the quality of your sleep.


Noise might disrupt sleep. Even low-level background noise can impair the quality of your sleep, while loud or unexpected noises might wake you up. Moreover, noise might make it more difficult to fall asleep, especially if it is a strange or new sound.

It is a good idea to use earplugs or soundproofing in your room to reduce noise exposure, especially in the bedroom. You may enhance the quality of your sleep and make it easier for you to fall asleep by creating a peaceful, dark sleeping environment.

When to see a doctor

See your healthcare provider if a person experiences any of the following:

  • regularly awakening during the night
  • after obtaining adequate sleep, you still feel exhausted the next day
  • observe a partner who exhibits symptoms of sleep apnea
  • a youngster who experiences severe or escalating night terrors
  • frequently have problems getting to sleep or staying asleep
  • regularly gasp for air when you are sleeping or snore loudly
  • suffer headaches in the morning, go through mood swings, or become agitated
  • frequently experience nightmares, sleepwalking, or other strange sleeping habits
  • persistent pain or discomfort that keeps you up at night
  • it has been more than a month since you last had a nice sleep


Sleep is essential for your health. If you’re having trouble sleeping in the middle of the night, the first step is to figure out what’s causing it. If your sleep is being interrupted frequently, see the doctor in order to learn more about the root factors of the wake-ups. Doctors interact with members regularly to determine why they aren’t sleeping well and to help them find a solution.

You will be asked several thorough inquiries about your sleep and health so that the doctors can know your sleep patterns and problems. Furthermore, they’ll also inquire about any supplements or drugs you’re using and may suggest specialist testing.

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