Homeschooling Tips for Parents during the COVID-19 Crisis

Schools are closing due to the COVID-19 pandemic and you and other parents are being left to homeschool their children. That seems like an easy task in theory but it’s harder than you initially thought. Schools are providing online resources to keep children busy but they still need guidance with their studies. With everyone at home, it can get hectic and you lack the time to homeschool your child.

Did you know homeschooled children who grew up to be famous include Thomas Edison, Teddy Roosevelt, Agatha Christie, Sandra Day O’Connor, Andrew Carnegie, and Alexander Graham Bell?

Keeping this in mind, here are some tips on how to best embrace homeschooling and have an easier transition.

1. Have a schedule

You will have an easier time if you have a schedule. You can set aside specific hours of the day for learning. You can also make a timetable so you can cover all the subjects. Having a set schedule will help you and your children have an easier time getting into school mode. It will maintain the familiarity of school schedules. You can set a time you are all comfortable with and maintain uniformity.

In addition, you can also create a schedule with them, they are more likely to do it. Giving that sense of choice allows them to feel comfortable and happy. Make sure to follow the schedule every day. Explain the plan the night before and the morning of the activities for the day during breakfast.

It is only through practice that they will be consistent every single day at that time with that activity. This will assist your child in developing essential skills, such as being more organized and preparing them for working independently.

2. Create a conducive learning space

Will the learning take place in the living room or at the kitchen table? You will need to decide the venue for the classes. You also need to get the right equipment like blackboards and desks. If you are new to homeschooling, you can get additional resources online. You might need shelves to keep the books and baskets to store loose supplies like pens, pencils, erasers among others that can easily get lost.

Most importantly, choose a location based on your child’s learning preferences. If they prefer silence, a spare room or their bedroom could be better options. If they enjoy some background noise, consider choosing a spot in the kitchen or near your office if you are working from home. If there are several location options, you can have your child try each one to see which works best for them.

3. Be flexible and pay attention to your child

For your homeschooling project to be successful, you need to plan together with your child. Children learn differently and you need to know the kind of learner you have. If your child learns better in groups, you can organize zoom study sessions with other parents. Strong learners can learn independently but weak learners need that extra guidance. Knowing your child’s learning needs will help you plan better leading to better outcomes.

If you have young children, you will need to explain why you will be their teacher to smoothen their transition.

Homeschooling is not for everyone, but during the COVID-19 crisis, parents and learners opt to do so to be safe. Parents also can supplement their children’s learning with additional lessons. And they can spend as little time or as much time as needed on each subject to ensure their children are learning the material and feel confident they have mastered the lessons.

4. Set realistic goals

Since you do not know how long the pandemic will last, you can set homeschooling goals. The goals will help you know how much you have covered and how long you need to cover a topic. However, you need to be realistic when setting these goals. You can gauge your child’s performance and take their strong and weak subjects into consideration. You will need to spend some extra time on the difficult areas to ensure the child grasps the subject.

The purpose of setting realistic goals for any homeschool is to guide you and to make sure that you’re prioritizing the most important things. Even if you don’t know exactly how the school year is going to go, you still have some sense of what you want to make sure is accomplished.

You may also involve your children in the process of creating some goals of their own. In actuality, though, you should set goals for each child to keep you on track.

5. Have time for fun activities

All work and no play will make one dull. This is the same for homeschooling. If you spend all the time in the classroom, you are bound to get bored. You need to make time for fun activities. You can play music, paint, and play and do other things that make your child happy. It will also ensure your child gets the much needed exercise.

Until the coronavirus pandemic passes, you will be limited when it comes to outdoor activities. In an effort to keep you and your family safe, you are expected to stay at home. That does not mean that you cannot have fun at home. There are several activities you can take part in that will keep you occupied.

Moreover, learning together and working together can help the family grow closer together. Homeschooling gives the family the chance to have more quality time together. When handled the right way, the school will be fun! Through homeschooling, parents can take part in the fun along with their children.

6. Remember it’s not a race

For first timers, this might seem like a challenging task and you want to succeed. You need to remember that this is not a race. You are bound to make mistakes as you go. Talk to other parents, learn and adjust until you find what suits you. It will take time for your child to get used to you teaching them which is normal. There is no technique that works for all parents and children. It’s up to you to find one that is perfect for you and your child.

Homeschooling seems to be the learning option during this crisis. However, with homeschooling, you can ensure you keep your child occupied. You can also use this as a bonding opportunity since you will be spending a lot of time together. You can use these tips to maximize the most from your learning experience.

Nonetheless, be confident enough because research facts on homeschooling show that the home-educated are doing well, typically above average, on measures of social, emotional, and psychological development. Research measures include peer interaction, self-concept, leadership skills, family cohesion, participation in community service, and self-esteem.