Betta Fish Feeding Guide: How often Should You Feed Them?

Betta fish is also known as Siamese fighting fish. Many people like to keep them as pets because of their beautiful bright colors and fins. But maintaining a betta fish is not easy. You must pay special attention to its diet if you want to keep your fish in good health.

Betta fish needs a suitable environment and diet to stay happy and healthy. This is quite different from the needs of other household fish. If you are planning to get a betta fish, you need to first know about its diet. From what to feed and how often to feed, you must know everything.

You are lucky to have found this page because we are going to tell you everything you need to know about feeding a betta fish. And if you want to buy safe and high-quality goldfish food, click the link.

Betta Fish Diet

Betta fish are carnivorous and they mostly survive on meat. In the wild, they live on a diet of larvae and insects. Understanding your betta’s eating habits will help you to provide him a healthy diet.

Since bettas are carnivorous, they need a diet high in protein. If someone told you that bettas living in fish tanks can survive on plant roots, that person is completely wrong. It can be very harmful to your fish.

You should get high protein betta pellets from pet stores and use them as the staple diet for your fish. But make sure that you pick a formula that is specially made for bettas. Those designed for other fish will not be healthy for your betta.

Betta flakes and pellets contain the right amount of nutrients that your betta needs. Also, they are easy to portion, so you don’t have to worry about under or overfeeding your fish.

If you want to give special treats to your betta fish, you can go for freeze-dried foods that are high in protein. Foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp are the best for bettas. However, you shouldn’t overfeed these things to your betta as it could lead to constipation.

How often should you feed your betta fish?

Now comes the main question, how many times to feed a betta fish a day. You should start with at least two meals a day. Along with that make sure that the fish tank is at the correct temperature.

According to AquariumFishCity, you should space the meals 6 to 8 hours apart for your betta fish. If needed, you can also feed up to three meals a day. This is only if your fish is at a higher temperature range or breeding.

If you want to feed your betta more frequently, space the meals at least 4 to 6 hours apart. This will prevent your fish from eating too much at once. You wouldn’t want your fish to have a lot of food in the intestines at once.

Setting the right tank temperature is very crucial for your betta’s health. For this, you should get a reliable thermometer for the tank. Also, you must have a spare heater handy.

How often should you feed a baby betta fish?

If you have bought a baby betta fish, its frequency of feeding will be slightly different from an adult betta fish. Baby bettas need to be fed more fat and protein than grown-up bettas.

Baby bettas of 4-6 months of age, should be given food that is intended for baby fish. You can give them any baby fish food, even if it is not meant for bettas.

You should feed a baby betta fish at least 3 to 5 times a day. Make sure that the meals are very small so that they don’t too much at once. You may feed a few heaps or a few sprinkles based on the amount of fry in the system.

How many pellets should you feed your betta fish?

You must store your betta’s food in a clean container and replace it after every 6 months. You will find pellets of varying sizes. It is recommended you feed an eyeballed amount of pellets to your betta. This could range from 2-3, or up to 6-7 pellets. Also, you don’t need to soak the pellets before feeding as it reduces the nutrient content of the food.

Bettas are gutty fishes and will eat whenever you give them food even if they are full. That’s why maintaining a proper diet routine is very important.

Symptoms of an Overfed Betta

Overfeeding is one of the most common causes of death in betta fish. Even if you are the most loving fish owner, you should take care to never overfeed your fish. If you accidentally do so, it is vital that you can recognize the symptoms of overfeeding. That way, you can adjust their diet accordingly to keep them healthy. Here are the most common symptoms of an overfed Betta. 


If your Betta fish is moving slower than usual and appears sluggish, you may want to reduce their food. Lethargic Bettas tend to spend much of the day in a sleep-like state, which can be dangerous. Additionally, their sluggish behavior can also be caused by digestion issues arising from improper diet, which can make them uncomfortable. Therefore, if your betta seems less active, pay attention to their diet and make the necessary changes. 


Bloating is a common indicator of an overfed Betta as they get constipated and other issues with their internal organs arise. This causes their belly area to swell noticeably. If their condition worsens. Their swim bladder can also get clogged. Suppose your betta starts having trouble keeping itself upright or struggles to swim sideways. In that case, you will need to change your diet and have it checked by a doctor specializing in bettas. 

Excess Nitrates in the Tank

Excess nitrates in your betta’s tank are also common symptoms of overfeeding. Suppose the nitrate content in your betta’s tank is constantly high, and you must change the water often. In that case, it clearly indicates that you are overfeeding your fish.

All the extra food your fish does not eat becomes waste, leaching harmful ammonia or nitrates into the water. Ideally, you should feed your betta as much as it will eat and then remove the excess food to avoid contaminating the tank.

A well-maintained tank is essential as it has a nitrogen cycle that optimizes the water for your fish. Excess nitrates from the food can disrupt it, putting your fish at risk.