6 Most Dangerous Breeds of Small Dogs

If an intruder were to come to my door, they might be scared off by the giant breed dog they’d come face-to-face with at the window. However, if they got inside the house, it would be my Chihuahua and my Jack Russell terrier who would kill them. Just because a dog weighs 10 pounds and wears a dress doesn’t mean it’s not vicious.

When it comes to dangerous dogs, some of the more common breeds that come to most people’s minds are Rottweilers, pit bulls, etc. While certain dogs can be feared based off of their reputations and even their size, not all small dogs are very friendly or safe to be around either. Here is a list of some of the most dangerous small dogs that you might not be aware of.


If you are asked to name a small dog that is very mean and even aggressive, a chihuahua would probably be the first type of dog to pop into your mind. These little dogs are known to have a huge attitude and aren’t shy about letting you know their displeasure.

One of the most vocal dogs there is, not only do chihuahuas bark whenever they feel threatened or get angry, but they might lunge at a person or even bite. Unfortunately, because of their size, many owners aren’t as stern when it comes to curbing this aggressive behavior which can lead to someone actually being bitten.


Surprisingly, some studies have determined that dachshunds have a tendency to be more aggressive and violent than larger dogs like Rottweilers or even pit bulls. They may not be as dangerous due to their small size, but that doesn’t mean they don’t intend to hurt you.

As the name Dachshund which means “badger dog” suggests, these dogs were originally bred in Germany with the purpose of hunting and killing badgers. Therefore, it is actually in their nature to be more on the aggressive side as they are known for being good fighters who never back down.

Cocker Spaniel

As cute as the cocker spaniel is, especially when their owners have them groomed really pretty with bows in their hair, don’t let the looks fool you. These dogs are genetically predisposed to have fits of unprovoked rage that can seemingly come out of nowhere. And just as quick as they might have a violent episode, they can just as quickly return to a placid state just as if nothing ever happened.


Because the beagle was purposely bred in order to assist with tracking and hunting by following scents, even when not on the job, this natural urge in them remains strong. While they might do okay when indoors, letting these types of dogs loose can mean trouble as they can become consumed with following even the slightest foreign scent.

If a beagle is in an unfamiliar environment, it can become quite stressed. This can lead to them becoming aggressive and attacking.


These dogs can be quite spoiled as they have been bred during the Chinese Imperial era. They have a long history of being pampered. The following traits might explain why these dogs do not do well with children or care for strangers:

  • Not very playful or athletic
  • Has a tendency to be aloof
  • Can be quite stubborn

While most people love the idea of purchasing a dog to complete their family, especially if they have children, this might not be the breed to do that with.

Jack Russell

Although many people have these small dogs as pets, terriers were originally used for the purpose of hunting rats and foxes. Because these dogs can be quite hyper, they require lots of physical and mental stimulation in order to maintain a calm disposition. If a Jack Russell isn’t properly socialized and stimulated, this breed has the potential for dangerous outbursts.

When it comes to choosing a dog for your family, you can never judge the dog’s temperament just by its size alone because some of the biggest dogs can be the gentlest. You must consider the dog’s breed, its history, personality, needs and more before bringing them into your family. This is especially important if you have children because not every dog is child-friendly, so be mindful of that as well.

If you were bit by a small dog, you can follow the link for more information. Even if the dog seemed too small to seriously injure someone, the truth is even a little dog can do a lot of damage when it’s in attack mode. Owners often fail to properly train small dogs. Despite this, it is still their legal duty to protect others from dog bites.

Best Ways to Handle Aggression in Dogs

Dog aggression is a complicated problem. In particular, if your dog’s aggression is at a severe level, there is no “quick cure” or overnight repair that will make your dog well-behaved. You can learn how to stop dog aggression in its tracks, though, if you take the appropriate approach and have a lot of patience.

The key to behavioral difficulties is prevention, as is typically the case. You can prevent having to handle a bigger issue down the road if you act right now. When puppy training is diligently carried out, results are typically best. Most aggressive dogs show early warning signals that, if caught in time, can be resolved.


It’s not easy, but it’s also not the end of the world to live with an aggressive dog. It may feel terrifying at times, but the appropriate socialization and training can help with this behavioral issue. Beneath all that growling and snapping, your dog can just be a timid, isolated puppy. Any fearful or aggressive dog has the potential to improve if given the right circumstances.

Depending on how severe your dog’s aggressiveness issues are, a change in its routine or working with a professional dog trainer may be the best course of action. Whatever decision you and your dog ultimately make, keep in mind that the work will be well worth it.

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