5 Tips to Maximize the Efficiency of Your Air Conditioner

If your air conditioner isn’t working as well as it once did, you’re not alone. All electrical appliances lose their efficiency with time, and even the most popular and expensive models are resistant to this phenomenon. To keep your air conditioning running at its best, follow these five tips to maximize the efficiency of your air conditioner.

If none of these tips work for your AC, you can trust AirDoctor, an air conditioner repair Frederick MD expert, to either repair your existing unit effectively or guide you through buying a new one suited to your house and its space. 

Do Annual Maintenance Helmed By Professionals

It’s recommended that you have an air conditioning professional perform an annual maintenance check-up on your unit. This will help keep it running smoothly and efficiently for years to come. 

When servicing your AC, they should also be able to identify any issues or problems with the system before they become severe and costly concerns. 

Annual maintenance should be done at least once a year, but you may need more frequent service if you live in a hot climate area. You may even need repairs during peak summer months when extreme heat waves are present in some regions of the country.

Clean or Change Filters Regularly

One of the easiest ways to keep your air conditioner running smoothly is by regularly changing or cleaning your air filters. Filters may be dirty from a lack of use, pets, or smoking. It’s also important to remember that only some filters are created equal; some are designed for more than one purpose. 

For example, a filter designed for both an air conditioner and a furnace will be more efficient than two filters designed just for an air conditioner. Depending on how often you use your air conditioning system and how dusty it is where you live, you may need to change your filters every three months or so.

Ensure Proper Ventilation

One way to maximize your air conditioner’s efficiency is by making sure that it has proper ventilation. Proper ventilation will reduce excess moisture and heat, which can cause damage and shorten your air conditioner’s lifespan. One way to ensure adequate ventilation is by installing a vent on your roof or attic. 

It would help if you also opened windows on opposite sides of your house so that cool breezes can enter, too. 

If you have a window air conditioner, ensure no curtains or other obstructions are blocking the airflow. If you have a central air unit in your home, make sure it is not blocked by furniture, drapes, or other obstacles. 

You can also invest in an exhaust fan for your kitchen and bathroom. This will help remove any moisture from those two rooms and ventilate them better so that they do not create humidity in your home. 

Choose the Right AC Model for your Home

Air conditioners are a significant investment, so you must get the right one for your home. If you’re looking for a new AC, knowing how much space is available and what your budget will allow is essential. 

If you want something efficient and affordable, an Energy Star-rated model might be perfect for your needs. Newer models save energy by using less electricity and producing fewer emissions.

Be sure to get an installation cost estimate before buying an air conditioner. The cheapest model may be less affordable if hidden installation costs come with it. 

When purchasing an air conditioner, ensure it has a good SEER rating. The higher your SEER rating, the more efficient your air conditioning will be when running.

Types of air conditioners and its maintenance

General Window Aircon

1. Window air conditioners – To maintain proper functioning, window air conditioner filters should be cleaned or changed every 30 days. To avoid dirt and debris accumulation, the condenser coil should also be cleaned annually.

An image of a Galanz Air Conditioner

2. Split-system air conditioner – To guarantee proper ventilation, the outdoor unit needs to be kept clear of dirt and plants. The filters on the indoor unit should be changed or cleaned every month, and the evaporator coil should be cleaned once a year.

Duderstadt Centr air conditioning units

3. Central air conditioners – A central air conditioner requires annual condenser coil cleaning, filter cleaning or replacement every 1-3 months, and expert technician inspections of the electrical components and refrigerant levels once a year.

Air conditioners close up image

4. Portable air conditioners – Every 30 days, portable air conditioner filters should be cleaned or replaced. In order to avoid dirt and debris accumulation, the condenser coil should also be cleaned annually.

How To Clean Air Conditioners

Clean or replace the filter

One of the most important components of the air conditioner is the filter, which aids in removing dust and other impurities from the air. The AC may have to work more and operate more inefficiently if the filter is unclean. To clean the filter, rinse it in warm water with moderate detergent. Replace it with a new one if it has been damaged or worn out.

Vacuum the coils

Another crucial component of the air conditioner is the coils, which aid in cooling the air. The AC unit’s efficiency will decrease if the coils are unclean or covered in dust because they cannot operate properly. Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to remove any dust or dirt to clean them.

Clean the drain line

If the drain line becomes clogged, water may flow into the house while helping to eliminate water from the air conditioner. Pour bleach and water down the drain line, then flush it with clean water to clean it.

Wipe down the exterior

The outside of the air conditioner might get dirty over time as well, so make sure you clean it off with a moist cloth every few months.

Schedule annual maintenance

It’s crucial to arrange annual maintenance with a contractor in addition to cleaning the air conditioner yourself. This guarantees that your air conditioner is functioning well and correctly and possibly avert more costly future repairs.

You can ensure that your air conditioner will last longer with you by following these easy tips to keep it functioning well.

Pros and cons

Air conditioners will be running at full blast in homes and office buildings as the summer warms up to keep people cool. They offer much-needed relief from the heat and are a simple way to avoid illnesses and fatalities brought on by the heat. But improperly cleaned and maintained AC systems themselves might cause health issues.

What you need to know about the benefits and drawbacks of air conditioners for your health, as well as safe usage, is as follows:

Pro – Reduce heat stroke

The number one precautionary measure against heat-related sickness and mortality, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is air conditioning. This issue results in hundreds of fatalities in the United States each year. Children under the age of 4, persons over the age of 65, people who are overweight, and those who are ill or using specific medications are the groups of people who are most at risk for heat-related diseases.

Doctors advised staying indoors during the warmest part of the day and drinking lots of water during the summer to help lower the risk.

Con – Bacteria, mold and fungus

Bacteria and fungi can thrive in the confines of air conditioners. Condensation that forms when cold air flows through the appliance can build up in the coils and fan blades. Things like mold and fungus can accumulate and be blown into the air if they are not controlled.

These bacteria can cause a variety of breathing issues, such as pneumonia and Legionnaire’s disease, a serious lung infection brought on by the legionella bacterium.

Pro – Easing allergies and asthma

For persons with allergies or asthma, air conditioning might help fight off attacks. To prevent indoor pollen from flowing, air conditioning can assist filter out airborne pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds. Moreover, air conditioners reduce interior humidity, which inhibits the development of mold and dust mites.

Con – Sick building syndrome

Sick building syndrome, a group of ailments brought on by spending time indoors, can be worsened by air conditioners. Dizziness, a dry mouth, itchy eyes, and nausea are possible symptoms. One small study found that HEPA and carbon air filtration systems may help reduce symptoms and improve productivity.


Keep your AC running efficiently and for longer with the tips mentioned above. In case you need any assistance, you can call AirDoctor right away.